in HeartChurch5 years ago

"Today will not be tomorrow" you always believe that each day has a new time and a new different opportunity nothing is the same everything changes and storms are not forever as well as it has its beginning it also has its end everything will depend on the way you want see life combined with a small word called faith which is very convenient for us to appropriately grasp this truth the essence of knowing that only faith can bring us closer to God

James 1: 6
6 But ask in faith, doubting nothing; because he who doubts is similar to the wave of the sea, which is carried by the wind and thrown from one part to another.
(King James Version)

Faith means believing and not doubting although the circumstances show us the opposite of what we children of God believe we have our faith in him which means that we believe in what he tells us in his Word and through the Holy Spirit.

In our hands is the way to see life and to face it are our attitudes that will determine how to face life and what comes with it is to say the various situations that we face day by day. Let's think and reflect about it because it is very easy when everything goes well but very difficult when things go wrong and it is there where we must take the best attitude in life is in those moments when stress or anguish want to take over from you but think that tomorrow will be a new day remember that every morning we release mercy


Let us remember that the Lord's mercies never end and he is aware of everything that happens around us if we trust we will surely see the glory of God and we can have a good tomorrow because if God allows it tomorrow we will have a new opportunity to fix everything