Hello to all this beautiful community of home solutions, I hope you are all the best, I haven't been here for a while, and the truth is that for a long time I was doing this cleaning and to share it with you, but it has been a little difficult for me with the time, but today Sunday I dedicated all the time possible to get down to work after so long.
Part number one I was cleaning a fragment of our backyard, today I come with the second part, which is a little bit bigger, and it is behind the place where I had cleaned before. I can tell you that it was not very easy, at first I saw it as if I could finish everything in an hour, but I could not be more wrong, and I will not lie to you, I can say that it is one of the most complicated activities I have shared with you and where I had more physical effort, but as I always say, everything was one hundred percent worth it, having our things clean and organized, there is more comfort, or well, that's how I see it, I like neatness.
We started by getting to know the place as it was.
My kitty was accompanying me for a moment, when she saw me leaving with the tools and stuck behind me.
These were the tools I used.
I decided to start early before the sun hits, and the work is not so uncomfortable.
Last time I had told them that I had to be very attentive, since there were many of the plants called pica pica, here there were also, but I also had to be attentive to the spiky plants.
These are the leaves of the barbed plant.
Maybe you did not see many thorns, and maybe you think I am exaggerating, but now I want you to see the whole plant, I have pricked myself on several occasions, and it is horrible, there are others that are worse, it has nowhere to grab, because wherever you look it is full of thorns, but those are bigger.
For those who do not know it, I present the cotton plant, before I thought they did not exist, until my grandmother one day showed it to me, and it was something very peculiar, this cotton is 100% natural, but I do not recommend using it in wounds, it does not give me much confidence, since it is not sterilized.
Here we can see the cotton.
I started cleaning with the tools that we always keep for these moments, and I started cleaning from the top down, leaving piles of weeds and dry leaves and then I started throwing them away.
By the time I had these piles it had been quite a while, about an hour, in the photos it looks small, but there was a lot of stuff to cut and tear out.
The sun starts strong, which is what I didn't want, but I kept on cleaning anyway, my goal was to finish everything the same day.
There came a time when so much time had passed and so many things were missing that I thought I would never finish, so I went into the house to get some water and continue with the cleaning.
I started cutting the dried leaves of the cambur plants.
I was already quite tired, I was about to leave it to finish it the next day, but I decided to continue, after a while I started to sweep the remaining leaves, since the rest were piling up in one place.
He was already quite sweaty and somewhat dirty.
Everything I threw away was piled up here, a lot of garbage was removed.
But as I say, it was totally worth it, this is the result.
Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the entrance, because it was also in the same conditions, but it was pretty clean too.
See you next time, I hope you liked my experience cleaning the second part of cleaning my backyard.
I used the deepl translator since my language is Spanish.
@erick836 Hacer limpieza en los patios, es extenuante y si está acompañada con malezas espinosas llega a ser mucho más difícil, pero nada como ver la meta cumplida a pesar del sol,eso en realidad no tiene precio. Sólo te toca disfrutar de un espacio libre de maleza y me imagino que para tu gatito será muy grato jugar por allí, Saludos 🤗.
Así es @anamariag , vala la pena a pesar de las adversidades, ya que tenemos un espacio mucho más limpio y seguro, así se evita encontrar con algún animalito raro. Saludos...
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Por acá también tenemos pendiente limpiar el patio, así que espero cumplir pronto con esa tarea. El esfuerzo siempre valdrá la pena. Saludos.
Pronto la cumplirás amigo, y en ese momento te sentirás muy satisfecho y comodo con el resultado. Saludos....
Que interesante todo lo que se puede encontrar en tu patio, me sorprendió ver la mata de algodon, yo tampoco la usaría en heridas.
Si, la verdad es que hay otras cosas, más arriba tambien hay una de cacao, pero hay que saberla preparar para lograr hacer chocolate. Saludos...
wow tienen un patio grande y bonito. no conocía la mata de algodón que interesante. Gran trabajo amigo.
Si es algo grande @doriangel , yo antes tampoco la conocia, hasta hace muy poco. Gracias amiga. Saludos...
Limpiar el patio es muchísimo trabajo y de verdad fue bastante lo que hiciste como para terminar medio muerto jaja
Si fué bastante trabajo, y casi casi muerto jajajaj. Saludos...
Este debería ser un post bien recompensado pues es una obra que tiene que ver con el sector primario, pues esas plantas de cambur o plátano generan alimentos, te quedaría bueno en esa sombra una 3 matas de cafe
Gracias por tú apoyo amigo, y si, más arriba del patió tenemos otro terreno, claro es mucho más grande porque está para sembrar, a veces se café, maíz, pero lo que más abunda por nuestro sector, es el cambur, casi que en todos lados hay. y bueno anteriormente lechuga y tomates de arbol, pero ya de esos no nos quedaron. Saludos...