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RE: We are still looking for things for the home (ENG-ESP)

Lo que yo hubiese hecho en tu lugar es tomar los productos que más me hubiesen gustado y hubiese acercado a la caja para que me dijeran el precio y así yo saber si podía pagarlos o no es lo que yo hubiese hecho para no perder el viaje y irme con las manos vacías sin embargo está bueno que hayas visto cosas para después volver y tomar la decisión si compras o no.

What I would have done in your place is to take the products that I would have liked the most and I would have gone to the cashier to be told the price so I would know if I could afford them or not, that's what I would have done to not lose the trip and leave empty-handed, however it is good that you have seen things and then come back and make the decision whether to buy or not.