Oi!! My mini pumpkins are cute, right lil gems 🥰
I find under the bed and drawers are really good coz that's difficult to vacuum but I think I need to give my home one good manual clean first in order for my little helper to be more be efficient.
Does your self empty as well? I was seriously getting a simpler model without the toilet, but I really couldn't be bothered to do a half job.
My lil friend says hi!
Sadly not, its an older, more basic model but the wife has her eye on the 12/12 sale for one of the Xiaomi latest model toilet ones that does. Personally, I'd rather employ a maid... :-)
I imagine employing someone in Thailand would be pretty affordable, the difficulty is finding someone who does a good job.
Some of the latest models can go for over £1k here and they're all MIC as well. Hopefully you can find a good deal in Thailand