Lockdown serie #29 (Lightpainting)

in Lightpainters United5 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!

Here's another lockdown experiment made in my living-room with minimal equipment. As I built cool RGB LED tools during the lockdown, I can now use colours I wasn't used to play with! 😊


Lightpainting created in real time, captured to the camera in one single photographic frame.

No layers /no Photoshop / no editing exept minor adjustments (lens correction profite, WB, contrast (+12)) and addition of my logo.

Gear :
Canon EOS 6D body
Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM lens
Canon RC-E6 IR remote
Benro A4770TN tripod
Jobu-Design Heavy Duty Gimbal Head Mk IV

Settings :
100 ISO

May 2020

Take a look at my fellow lightpainters' work @fadetoblack, @mafufuma, @oddballgraphics, @fastchrisuk, @martbarras, @stepko, @maximepateau, @yo-hoho, @leetodd & @xperimentalphoto : these guys will show you different approaches of lightpainting and how versatile and powerful is that Artform.

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Looks amazing. Reminds me of Tron.