Vape smoke, smoke grenades or even "smoke" from a fog machine can add a cinematic atmosphere or feel to an image and the effects can change quite dramatically between each exposure leading to some unexpected results.
This one was made by throwing two small smoke pellets in to a cave; I added a piece of black card over the flashgun to split the beam and placed a colour gel over each half. More to come with this technique with a new tool I'm trying out!
This was shot in my favourite cave with a little camera panning action which I remember was a total guess rather than some complicated technique; the smoke made all the difference for the lasers and atmosphere:
Smoke in the frame can make laser beams expose really well. Here I've used a laser level device at floor level and rotated the image mid-exposure:
As usual all of the above were shot in one photographic exposure and are not Photoshop creations.
About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.
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Love that second image Chris. A superb shot.
Thanks pal, mid exposure camera panning is a bit twitchy for those with OCD lol
Awww!! This is so lovely. Photography has always been my dream. I hope I get the chance to learn it someday