in Lightpainters United3 years ago (edited)


🔴➕LP is MAGiK➕🔵

Happy to be back on hive 😁, thx a LOT Mafu 🙌🏻❗️

🔦🎨 #LP #rotation


▪️ I started the shot by writing
XP LiGHTS in the center with 2 different light tools.

▪️I then used the lights (yellow straight lines) coming from above the bridge to get a straight light writing to write "LiGHT" between those yellow lights.

▪️Once the "LiGHT" was done, I used my lens cap (on), rotated my camera (90 degrees) with my camera rotation tool (CRT) and lens cap (off) to write "painting" and so on until I had written "LiGHT PAINTING is MAGiK".

▪️This picture was done in 1 single exposure without any use of photoshop.

🔦🎨 This LP rotation picture was done 2 years ago during a road trip in Europe under a bridge with Alexia.

✨ LiGHTPAINTING is MAGiK ✨@maximepateau XP LiGHTS on hive

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 3 years ago  

Great to see you back posting again. Happy days :)

Yeah, it took time but, thx to Mafu, I did make it to get it back on tracks, hope I can keep up with you guys because I find hive still kind of a pain in the a** just for posting.

 3 years ago  

You'll get there mate I'm sure. Soon it will be second nature 👍

 3 years ago  

Happy New Year and happy HIVEíng. ;-)

THX @mafufuma you're my hive GOD 😅

 3 years ago  

A great image to return with Max! Welcome back!

Thx a LOT @fastchrisuk 😁❗️

 3 years ago  

Hey welcome back to HIVE. Nice to see you here again. 🤗

Thx @stepko 😁❗️

 3 years ago  

Salut Maxime, ravi de te revoir poster ici!!! 😎😎

Merci dawn, @mafufuma m’a bien aidé

 3 years ago  

Je n'ai pas suivi les échanges, je suis en plein déménagement. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il a mis en place. Tant mieux si ça fait revenir ceux qui avaient décroché 😉

Je sors tout juste de mon déménagement 😅❗️Je te souhaite que tout se passe bien, tu reste en région parisienne❓