Apologies this post might be another short one, as I'm still on this course at work, and I've left my hard drive with the majority of my photos at home, so I'm going through my work laptop hard drive. To anyone who read my post yesterday though the course is less boring than I expected so thats a positive :)
The below shots were taken at an undisclosed viaduct not that far from where I live.
The first shot, the money shot, was the final setup of the night and all shot in one exposure. Without giving the game away, this involved me spinning wire wool on a drill and the camera being rotated by @fastchrisuk while I did this. I shall not give the rest of the process away. Suffice to say it makes for a colourful and exciting shot, and a little bit of danger due to burnage from sparks!
Going back to the start of the night, this is the first setup which involved me stood in front of the trusty LED lenser X21 torch which a blue gel and lashings of smoke. To add to the shot Chris added a little red gelled torchlight into the foreground. A simple setup and shot, but effective.
The next shot was the same setup, but out of curiosity Chris shone the red gelled torch into the back of my camera (At the eye piece). This does look like something out of the Twilight Zone! But its different and creative, and thats what we're here for!
Finally this is a shot of me on top of a water tower of some sort.
We were blessed with a clear night so had stars. This shot is a lot simpler and I think it works. Behind the scenes though I was a bit nervous getting up there as there was a spider the size of my fist on the ladder, and then more at the top. I also did some shots burning wire wool. I made the rookie mistake though of putting the unburnt wool at my feet due to space, and well, spiders! So as I spun wool, the unburnt stuff caught fire too! Luckily I was stood on a metal grate over water so no damage was done. But this shot is the epitomy of a swan, calm and serene on the surface but all kinds of madness happening that you don't see!
Thank you very much for looking, I hope you like the shots.
Kind Regards,
Cracking stuff here.
Thank you 👍
Very beautiful👌👌