Purple Pee

in Lightpainters United5 years ago

This was a happy accident that happened on the same evening as previous post.

That purple trail was caused by me running from a wave, avoiding getting my shoes wet, while at the same time taking the opportunity to not let a possibly good shot go to waste. So I kept shining the light with purple gel towards the camera, trying to keep my feet dry, and hoped the waves would reflect nicelly. I swam in those waters during the day when the sun was there to heat me back up but at night it became too cold for me to be running around with bare feet. Should have brought my surfer socks.

The funny title idea came from my friend Jeremy Jackson. It wasn't my intention to make it look like purple pee but there you go.


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 5 years ago  

Purple pee? You should see a doctor for that! ;-)

 5 years ago  

sometimes it's just red cabbage ;)

 5 years ago  

Ha ha! Stay dry!))👍

 5 years ago  

I love purple rain. it's just yellow snow that I try to avoid. ;)