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RE: Pivotal Liquefactions

in Lightpainters United3 years ago

This is awesome work Hugo. I've never been a huge fan of the 'typical' magilight LP's with like you said the huge pixels and the effect is rather... kinda flat and boring for the most part in my opinion. Not to say I wouldn't enjoy owning one, just yeah... the typical 'scan' pics don't really do it for me. I love the last two here especially.
Also I just caved and ordered a new 3d printer... finally. It has a 2-3 week lead time so in the meantime, it's time to start brushing up on my CAD and electronics skills but feeling some good things on the horizon! Booyah.

 3 years ago  

Thank you! Yeah. I only have one because I lost my original arduino self made one. It was a beauty. Two strips inside two transparent rubber hoses. I did symmetrical designs with it. Also not into the simple scan of a bitmap.. I was too lazy to build another one after I lost it and also I wanted to try the better ergonomics of a magilight as my tools normally aren't the most ergonomic. I could 3D print stuff to make them better but haven't gotten round to it. My 3D printer is there gathering dust... I have the modeling skills. It's just the classic 3D printer issues that get in my nerve. But I should start printing more.. Definately a few things I want to give a go.
Looking forward to see what you cook up with yours.

That's awesome, I never attempted the DIY magilight but always imagined it was possible with Arduino. Cool to hear you are into that as well! And yes, as well I've seen first hand the lack of ergonomics with DIY stuff. Seems like user friendlyness seems to come in second when creating stuff. But like Pablo Picasso said, the first time you create something, it may be ugly. But after that, you can improve on the design. Or something to that effect. Last but not least, I totally hear you about the classic 3D printer issues, totally nerve wracking. Alas, I'm hoping that the one on the way works the way it should. I'll keep y'all posted on any developments for sure 👍 Might be a couple weeks at least but yeah... the ball's rolling at least.