Guadeloupe Summer #3 "Les Saintes ,Terres de Haut."

For this photo, i continue to make you travel always to the overseas islands of Guadeloupe "Les Saintes".
A little before night falls, i decide to make a Light next to water (at 30 degrees) and refresh my feet while lighting.

You can see at the bottom the image, the tip of the island with this beautiful setting sun.
I used a small white LED bar for large streaks, a plexi in strobe mode for the circle and a small white/orange LED for small streaks.
Olympus OMD 10 mark3
iso 200

To see even more styles in lightpainting, check out the work of @fadetoblack,@dawnoner,@mafufuma;@stepko,@oddballgraphics,@fastchrisuk,@martbarras,@yo-hoho,@leetodd,@maximepateau,@xperimentalphoto,@rod.evans.visual