For this penultimate photo at the Saintes in Guadeloupe, I decided to immortalize the town hall which was well lit. The mayor and his deputies were not far away, they approach me to ask me what I was doing to gesticulate like that. 😅
I explain the technique and the photo process and marvel at the result give
The material used is a large LED bar for large strokes, a small plexi blade in strobe mode for the base and a small white/orange LED for small details
Olympus E-MD10 mark3
Iso 200
time 1mn20
.To see even more styles in lightpainting, check out the work of @fadetoblack,@dawnoner,@mafufuma;@stepko,@oddballgraphics,@fastchrisuk,@martbarras,@yo-hoho,@leetodd,@maximepateau,@xperimentalphoto,@rod.evans.visual