Freestyle y Amistad: Motivación en Cada Entrenamiento [ESP | ENG]

in SWC3 days ago


Street Workout

Freestyle y Amistad: Motivación en Cada Entrenamiento

Freestyle and Friendship: Motivation in Every Training Session

Street Workout Community. En esta ocasión, comparto con ustedes Freestyle y Amistad: Motivación en Cada EntrenamientoUn gran saludo amigos de #Hive, #Liketu y compañeros de
Street Workout Community. On this occasion, I share with you Freestyle and Friendship: Motivation in Every Training Session. A big hello friends of #Hive, #Liketu and fellow

Freestyle y Amistad: Motivación en Cada Entrenamiento


Freestyle and Friendship: Motivation in Every Training Session


Es un placer para mí estar nuevamente con ustedes, queridos y apreciados lectores. Me llena de emoción compartir una nueva experiencia en mi camino de aprendizaje y superación. En esta ocasión, quiero hablarles sobre una sesión fotográfica que realicé mientras practicaba un truco que siempre me pareció un desafío casi inalcanzable: el **Supra 540**.

Desde hace tiempo, este truco me generaba cierta inquietud e incluso miedo, pues lo veía como algo fuera de mi alcance. La sola idea de intentarlo me hacía dudar de mis propias capacidades, y por eso nunca me había animado a practicarlo en serio. Sin embargo, con el tiempo aprendí que el progreso en cualquier disciplina requiere constancia, esfuerzo y, sobre todo, la disposición de salir de nuestra zona de confort.

Gracias a los entrenamientos intensivos de estos últimos días, me he sentido en mejores condiciones físicas y mentales para enfrentar este reto. Cada sesión de práctica me ha ayudado a desarrollar mayor confianza en mí mismo y a perfeccionar mi técnica, acercándome cada vez más a lograr este increíble truco. Aunque aún no lo he conseguido por completo, el proceso de aprendizaje es algo que disfruto muchísimo, y cada intento fallido me motiva a seguir intentándolo con más determinación.

Estoy convencido de que, si continúo practicando con la misma disciplina y entusiasmo, tarde o temprano lograré ejecutar el Supra 540 con éxito. Mientras tanto, quiero aprovechar este espacio para pedirles su apoyo y consejos. Es un verdadero placer estar nuevamente con ustedes, mis queridos y apreciados lectores. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una nueva sesión fotográfica, en la que podrán ver un día más de entrenamiento en el parque, en compañía de grandes amigos y disfrutando de la práctica del freestyle. Fue una jornada tranquila pero llena de desafíos, donde cada truco representó un reto a superar. La perseverancia, la disciplina y la constancia fueron, como siempre, los pilares fundamentales para continuar mejorando y perfeccionando cada movimiento.

Durante este entrenamiento, nos enfocamos en trabajar la fluidez en los movimientos dinámicos, tratando de hacer cada ejecución más limpia y precisa. Además, dedicamos tiempo a los ejercicios estáticos, buscando mayor control y resistencia para superar nuestros propios límites. Cada sesión es una oportunidad para avanzar un paso más en nuestro camino, con la meta clara de ser mejores día a día.

El deseo de superación es algo que nunca se agota. Siempre queremos llegar más alto, alcanzar nuevos niveles y conquistar esos peldaños que nos impulsan a seguir adelante. No importa cuántas veces fallemos o cuántos intentos sean necesarios, lo importante es la determinación con la que enfrentamos cada desafío.

Sin duda, entrenar en compañía de amigos hace que todo sea aún más gratificante. El ambiente se llena de energía, motivación y un espíritu de apoyo mutuo que nos impulsa a seguir intentándolo una y otra vez. Estoy profundamente agradecido con cada uno de ellos por estar presentes en cada sesión, compartiendo el esfuerzo, la pasión y las ganas de mejorar juntos.

Sin más que agregar, nos vemos en una próxima publicación, donde seguiré compartiendo con ustedes más experiencias, aprendizajes y momentos de entrenamiento. ¡Hasta la próxima!

It is a pleasure to be with you once again, dear and valued readers. I am very happy to share another experience from our Sunday running sessions, an activity that has become an essential part of our routine and continues to motivate us more and more.

Today, I want to present a series of photographs I took during our latest running session. Interestingly, these pictures had been forgotten on my device, but as I reviewed them, I realized how valuable it is to capture these moments of effort, dedication, and camaraderie. That’s why I’m taking this opportunity to share them with you, showcasing not only my personal progress but also the evolution of our group.

At first, when we started this Sunday running routine, there were only three of us: Manuel, Mauricio, and myself. However, over time, our enthusiasm and consistency have inspired other friends to join our runs. It is truly gratifying to see our group grow and to witness more and more people embracing this activity that strengthens both the body and the mind.

This time, we decided to take on the longest route we have attempted so far. We started at the emblematic Alma Llanera Plaza, ran all the way to the lighthouse, and then returned to our starting point. This challenge tested us, but thanks to our constant training and the endurance we have built over time, we managed to maintain a steady pace throughout the entire run.

Each session represents a new challenge, but it is also an opportunity to push our It is a pleasure to be with you once again, dear and valued readers. I am thrilled to share another experience on my journey of learning and self-improvement. This time, I want to tell you about a photo session I had while practicing a trick that always seemed like an almost unattainable challenge: the Supra 540.

For a long time, this trick made me feel uneasy and even fearful because I saw it as something beyond my reach. The mere thought of attempting it made me doubt my own abilities, which is why I never seriously practiced it before. However, over time, I have learned that progress in any discipline requires consistency, effort, and, most importantly, the willingness to step out of our comfort zone.

Thanks to my intense training in recent days, I have been feeling in better physical and mental condition to take on this challenge. Each practice session has helped me build more confidence in myself and refine my technique, bringing me closer and closer to successfully landing this incredible trick. Although I haven't fully achieved it yet, I truly enjoy the learning process, and every failed attempt motivates me to keep trying with even more determination.

I am convinced that if I continue practicing with the same discipline and enthusiasm, sooner or later, I will successfully execute the Supra 540. In the meantime, I want to take this opportunity to ask for your support and advice. If you have any recommendations, It is truly a pleasure to be with you once again, my dear and esteemed readers. Today, I want to share with you a new photo session, where you will see another day of training at the park, accompanied by great friends and enjoying freestyle practice. It was a calm yet challenging day, where every trick represented a new goal to overcome. Perseverance, discipline, and consistency were, as always, the fundamental pillars that allowed us to keep improving and perfecting each movement.

During this training session, we focused on working on fluidity in dynamic movements, aiming to make each execution cleaner and more precise. Additionally, we dedicated time to static exercises, striving for greater control and endurance to push our own limits. Every session is an opportunity to take one more step forward on our journey, with the clear goal of becoming better every day.

The desire for self-improvement is something that never fades. We always want to reach higher, achieve new levels, and conquer the steps that push us forward. It doesn’t matter how many times we fail or how many attempts it takes—what truly matters is the determination with which we face each challenge.

Without a doubt, training with friends makes everything even more rewarding. The atmosphere is filled with energy, motivation, and a spirit of mutual support that drives us to keep trying again and again. I am deeply grateful to each one of them for being there every session, sharing the effort, passion, and desire to improve together.

With nothing more to add, I’ll see you in the next post, where I’ll continue sharing more experiences, lessons, and training moments with you. Until next time!

Espero les haya gustado, nos vemos en otra oportunidad.
I hope you liked it, see you another time.

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Traductor: DeepL
Translator: DeepL
Dispositivo: Tecno Spart 20 pro
Device: Tecno Spart 20 pro

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Original Content Creator@alexdro-sw

Muchas gracias por su visita, nos vemos en una próxima publicación.
Thank you very much for your visit, and see you in a future post.

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Excelente post bro!