Entrenamiento de front lever [ESP-ENG]
front lever training [ESP-ENG]
Un saludo amigas y amigos de #Hive y #SWC, el día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas fotografías de mi entrenamiento de front lever del día de ayer día viernes. Este fue un entrenamiento más básico y con progresiones suaves debido a que venia de hacer un entrenamiento algo pesado e intenso. Está rutina constó más que todo de combos en tuck adv del estilo 5-5-5 es decir 5 dominadas de tuck adv + 5 presses + 5 segundos de aguantes. También realice aguantes de touch en tuck adv y a final de rutina realice ejercicio específicos con liga roja, realizaba series con la misma dinámica, está vez 3-3-3 en half front lever. Otro ejercicio que realice fueron pequeños aguantes combinados de tuck adv front lever y de forma seguida pasaba a realizar half de front lever. Ya para este punto del entrenamiento me sentía bastante cansado pero conseguí realizar la rutina con éxito.
Greetings friends of #Hive and #SWC, today I want to share with you some photographs of my front lever training from yesterday, Friday. This was a more basic workout with gentle progressions because I was coming from doing a somewhat heavy and intense workout. This routine consisted mostly of adv tuck combos of the 5-5-5 style, that is, 5 adv tuck pull-ups + 5 presses + 5 seconds of holds. I also performed touch holds in tuck adv and at the end of the routine I performed specific exercises with a red band, I performed series with the same dynamic, this time 3-3-3 in half front lever. Another exercise I did was small combined tuck adv front lever holds and then I went on to do half a front lever. By this point in the training I was feeling quite tired but I managed to perform the routine successfully.

Thank you reader friends, see you in a future post

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Full disciplina 🤜🤛
Así es hermano
Saludos @luisgil-sw
Greetings @luisgil-sw