El torneo de dysfunction es una copa que celebra anualmente en Colombia desde hace 3 años. Nos preocupamos siempre por brindarle a los atletas un buen escenario y espectáculo, para que disfruten un buen evento. Excelentes premiaciones, regalos, comida, hidratación, sonido, paramédicos y seguridad, asimismo una buena estructura. Seguiré trabajando para mostrarles las demás categorías y las demás rondas! Esperen mi nuevo contenido. Camilo Yanquen 2,0 está motivado a motivar más gente y que se unan.
#unetenos #swc
The dysfunction tournament is a cup that has been held annually in Colombia for 3 years. We always care about providing athletes with a good stage and show, so they can enjoy a good event. Excellent awards, gifts, food, hydration, sound, paramedics and security, as well as a good structure. I will continue working to show you the other categories and the other rounds! Wait for my new content. Camilo Yanquen 2.0 is motivated to motivate more people and get them to join.
and members of Hive, I'm Camilo Yanquen(@yanquen-sw), I introduce myself for those who don't know me. I want to present to you the rounds of the last national dysfunction cup in Colombia, where we had the monetary support of HIVE and STREET WORKOUT COMMUNITY; We were able to celebrate a fabulous event. This is just an appetizer of all the content that I will be posting here, I had some time problems but I am ready again to continue posting content on the platform.▶️ 3Speak
Excelente competencia broo! Se ve que fue super emocionante 💪💯🔥