Greetings to the whole Hive and Street Workout community! I hope everyone is doing great, guys. Today I'm going to tell you about my experience before starting the Versus by Randomness, a competition in which I helped to do some things. Last Friday the 31st of January this competition took place in Las Ballenitas Park, Las Acacias sector. I had agreed with the CEO of the community to organise and help them early, before the competition started. I woke up at about 7:30 a.m., I thought it was rather late and it was already 10 a.m.
A lo cual rápidamente vi el teléfono y aún era temprano; de todas maneras, había puesto el despertador por si pasaba de largo. Preparé mi desayuno, organicé los potes de agua que me iba a llevar. Una vez desayunado, me fui a bañar. Me comuniqué con los muchachos para saber si ya estaban en el parque, a lo que me dijeron que sí y que ya estaban organizando. Salí de mi casa a eso de las 8:30 a.m. Llegando al parque, saludé a cada uno de los muchachos; Manuel me dejó a cargo de inscribir a los chicos que iban a participar en la competencia, sin excepciones, debido a que si los chicos son adolescentes y no tienen permiso de su representante legal, no van a participar para evitar problemas a futuro.
To which I quickly looked at the phone and it was still early; anyway, I had set the alarm clock in case I missed it. I prepared my breakfast, organised the pots of water I was going to take with me. Once I had eaten breakfast, I went to take a bath. I contacted the boys to find out if they were already in the park, to which they said they were and that they were already organising. I left my house at about 8:30 am. Arriving at the park, I greeted each of the boys; Manuel left me in charge of registering the boys who were going to participate in the competition, no exceptions, because if the boys are teenagers and do not have permission from their legal representative, they will not participate to avoid problems in the future.
Inscribí a cada chico siguiendo las reglas que me habían explicado y poco a poco ya quedaban menos cupos. Se fue llenando hasta que quedaba uno solo; yo quería participar, lo pensé muchas veces y al final decidí inscribirme. Participé en la competencia para disfrutar la experiencia y divertirme un rato. Algunos chicos quedaron por fuera, pero fue porque no llegaron a la hora indicada; por lo tanto, les comuniqué a los muchachos que las inscripciones ya estaban cerradas. Por la parte de las inscripciones ya estábamos listos; incluso anoté los nombres en otra hoja que era para los jurados.
I registered each boy following the rules that had been explained to me and little by little there were less and less places left. I wanted to participate, I thought about it many times and in the end I decided to sign up. I took part in the competition to enjoy the experience and have fun for a while. Some kids were left out, but it was because they didn't arrive at the appointed time; therefore, I informed the kids that the registrations were already closed. As far as the registrations were concerned, we were ready; I even wrote down the names on another sheet of paper that was for the judges.
Quedaba por organizar los premios, lo cual estaba haciendo Joscar; mientras tanto, tomé fotografías del montaje y de verdad todo se veía muy bien organizado. Ya faltaba muy poco para dar inicio al evento. De verdad yo, en lo personal, estoy agradecido por poder ayudar y vivir esta experiencia; fue un gusto ayudar al CEO @manuelramos y a los demás chicos.
It remained to organise the prizes, which Joscar was doing; in the meantime, I took pictures of the set-up and it really looked very well organised. It was only a short time before the event was about to start. Personally, I'm really grateful to be able to help and live this experience; it was a pleasure to help CEO @manuelramos and the other guys.
Sin más nada que acotar gente, muchas gracias por haberse tomado el tiempo de ver mi post y nos vemos en otra publicación soy @zgaetano.
Without further ado people, thank you very much for taking the time to see my post and I'll see you in another post I'm @zgaetano.
Buen post bro
Gracias mi bro! Saludos.
Muy buenas fotos y redacción bro! 🤜🤛 no sabía que habías participado, lo importante es disfrutar al máximo
Saludos bro, la competencia fue todo un éxito! Participé por diversión y si lo importante es disfrutar al máximo 💪🏻
Un buen resumen de lo que fue el antes del evento! Bien! Esa es la idea, mostrar lo que hacemos! Saludos!
Saludos bro! Exactamente, mostrar que hacemos un buen trabajo! Nos vemos pronto!
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