
in News & Views3 years ago (edited)


GUN CONTROL DOES NOT WORK. The majority of guns used by criminals are bought on the black market - criminals do not obey laws. The last several terror attacks in Europe & the UK involved someone driving a van or another vehicle into a crowd, killing many people. The point is evil will find a way and if someone wants to kill someone they will find a way. Guns are illegal in France and yet 150 people died in a terrorist shooting in Paris. Chicago has the strongest gun control laws in the land and yet they have the highest number of shootings - over 5,000 last year alone (BTW WHERE IS THE LIBERAL AND MEDIA FAUX OUTRAGE THERE?? - and no the guns didn't come from out of state, as the surrounding states don't have nearly the same level of shootings as Chicago), with NYC having the second highest number of shootings and NY has gun control laws almost as stringent as Chicago. Similarly, London, in which guns have been banned, just exceeded NYC's murder rate as they have seen an escalation of killings - SINCE THE BANNING OF GUNS, largely by knives. Australia – in which guns are illegal - recently had a school shooting in which 10 people were killed, 4 of which were children. In Japan – in which ALL GUNS ARE ILLEGAL – the Prime Minister was recently shot to death in broad daylight in public! Conversely, Switzerland has an incredibly high rate of gun ownership and practically zero mass shootings. Gun control doesn't work.


US murdering case so high but controlling of gun isn't the solution right now