I have been warning people that X was not supporting free speech, since I was suspended right after Linda Yaccarino was hired. I have warned people about cars, posting in 2017 that I drive a 1980 VW pickup, because it cannot be hacked by shining lights on it, doesn't phone home, and can't be shut off remotely or tracked by it's wifi location. But X suspended me, Youtool censored me, and Fakebook sold me to China.
Some people don't want to know the truth. Some people want to believe the lies.
They might be determined to believe, no matter what the cost, in fact. How much nudging will it take to convince such people that we 'negative nancies' should be censored? I've had people tell me they understand the factual nature of the things I am saying, but that they do not want to hear them. They don't want to understand the facts so much that they will undertake criminal violence to prevent them from being stated. Some people don't just want to believe. They need to believe, because they have done such things, borne such costs to defend the lies, the fake news, and the propaganda, that if they accepted the truth they would be unable to accept their own guilt. I am reminded of a woman that was a blackout drunk, who was unable to be faithful when blacked out, who determined to quit drinking to take control of her life. When she became sober enough to remember what she had done, she drank until she blacked out and could not remember it anymore.
This is how the majority of X and Facebook users, Tesla drivers, Trump voters, and their political opponents are. Their entire worldview is constructed on the fake news they have been indoctrinated with from birth. They have sent their children to public school where they were groomed by sexual predators into degeneracy and perversions, surgically, chemically, or psychologically castrated, indoctrinated into the twisted cult of LGBTBBQ, and emotionally damaged to the point of suicidal ideation. If they accept the truth about their abuse, that they were misled and fooled into harming their children in this way, they would believe with the full furor they have reserved for child abusers that rape and murder children that they had allowed their children to be so abused, just like the unimaginably inhumane mothers that sold their children to pedophiles they had held in utter contempt and believed deserved the death penalty.
This is why the biggest lies are swallowed while much smaller lies can be called out. People are dependent on the really big lies not being revealed as lies, because they have constructed their entire lives based on them, have consigned their children to monsters because of them, and have destroyed everything they loved as a result of believing the lies they were sold. The idea that Elon Musk is just another billionaire abusing the gullibility of the marks, another PT Barnum, will destroy the MAGA movement by destroying the psychological stability of MAGAtards. It will cross contaminate Trump's base, Tulsi Gabbard feminists, and RFK MAHA believers too. They are all Democrats and have replaced the Republican Party.
It's a trap. The jubilation of the long-suffering Right, that has been laboring under the abusive derision of the Left for decades, told they are deplorable, uneducated, stupid, cattle, and now watching the apparent collapse of the Left as Biden's dementia they thought had been successfully concealed even though they themselves had noticed it, is revealed; as little boys being given to gay men as foster children and dancing in strip clubs at eleven hadn't been acknowledged as grooming and forced child prostitution, despite they had realized it, as the weapons and money sent to moderates in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and all the color revolutions to support freedom and democracy are revealed as funding actual terrorism, as the school shootings are revealed to be FBI plots and the shooters as FBI informants, as their taxes are shown to be extortion and payoffs to racketeers and thugs, and government revealed to be organized crime, smashes their desperate cries of 'USA #1!" or 'Down with USA!', and they realize that accepting the statement that the truth was more important than facts revealed their own culpability in all the most horrible crimes that they had advocated for prosecuting as crimes against humanity, and they are faced with the dilemma of belief in their own power to judge guilt or innocence, or denying they had such authority, burying their heads in the sand and allowing corporate criminals to rule them to death.
The entire edifice of Western civilization, crafted from the left/right paradigm, is revealed at once to be false, and nothing is offered in it's place, no fallback position, as had always been presented before in the media when one side or the other was attacked, no entity or philosophical position is put underneath their plunging self esteem to cushion the blow. They are mercilessly demoralized. Much of the population of the world sotto voce yearns to be depopulated, because they secretly know they have betrayed their most cherished principles, because they have no successfully vetted replacement principles to fall back on, and they have been intentionally taught to depend on such provision of their opinions. Their desolation is beyond their ability by design. 2025 is the year of the apocalypse, of revelation, of seeing what is behind the double doors hiding the real enemy and finding - us.
This is why MAID was the great success it was, accounting for >3% of deaths in Canada in 2023. It doesn't take much to drive a demoralized person into the arms of a suicidepod. People raised on participation trophies haven't been taught resilience, to overcome setbacks. They have been designed to utterly collapse when left face to face with their own treachery and betrayal of everything they held dear.
These people yearn to censor the truth and keep pretending their side won. Not just MAGA, but the LGBTBBQ too. Both cheeks of the reeking political arse stink and need to be cleansed of that stench of fake news, and aren't able to reform because they haven't been educated, they've been indoctrinated and taught to be dependent. The only solution to every challenge we face is independence from overlords, but the only thing anyone has been taught is to depend on our 'leaders'.
But when we are revealed as those responsible for our actions that caused the problem, we are also revealed to be who can fix the problem. Now is when advocates of freedom are needed, when adoption of decentralization should be advocated, when our true abilities to provide the blessings of civilization must become a package the fraction that has the capacity for freedom can adopt and employ to provide them their necessities and support communities that merit survival and prosperity in a world that will no longer provide it on a silver platter. But it isn't prepared for us on a silver platter. We have to make it ourselves, from the disparate parts and pieces that have been quietly pushed to the side by the enemedia, like aquaponics with which we can ourselves produce nutritious, delicious food that isn't drenched in biocides and endocrine disrupting toxic swill, DIY solar panels that can be printed with ordinary inkjet printers at home on recycled PET beverage containers, concrete supercapacitors we can pour as foundations for our 100% self supporting homes that can store more than 10kwh of power to eliminate our dependence on the grid - or lithium batteries and cobalt mining children enslaved by Apphell and Tesla.
We can do this, and we can do this ourselves. We don't need a great man to lead us. No Hitler or Trump must save us. We are the saviours Jesus told us to become, to take up our crosses and follow his example of nurturing and supporting one another to create a truly civil society.
We are the saviours we have been waiting for, and now is the time to win.