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RE: Fragments of myself I've outsourced

Really really interesting points raised here and you're right we've already outsourced so much without really noticing or realising. So much of our self worth and even memories are now digital. Is that good? I'm not so sure.

We used to print out photos every few years, but stopped around 8 years ago. This post has made me think maybe we should rekindle that habit.

The quotes is an interesting one and I keep a notebook with good ones myself.

I also have a soccer coaching notebook, a golf tips notebook and an Irish language notebook . I enjoy the process of writing in each and feel more present in doing so. Maybe you could reintroduce the notebook and start writing the quotes down again?


We used to print the photos too! I don't know why everyone stopped. Maybe because we have so many pictures?

Thanks! I think I will :)