What gives meaning to your life? Eng & Spa

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)


Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

Una de las preguntas existenciales más comunes para el ser humano es la del sentido de la vida - ¿por qué y para qué existo? Obviamente es una pregunta compleja y encontrar una respueta satisfactoria requiere mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, sin embargo vale la pena buscarla. Si queremos aprovechar la vida plenamente, identificar nuestros valores es probablemente el mejor lugar para comenzar a encontrar la respuesta.

One of the most common existential questions for the human being is that of the meaning of life - why and for what do I exist? It is obviously a complex question and finding a satisfactory answer requires a lot of time and effort, however, I believe it is worth searching for. If we want to get the most out of life, identifying our values is probably the best place to start finding the answer.

El tema del día de hoy será intenso. Prepárense! Comenzaré con las siguientes preguntas; así es que tomen su tiempo, mediten en ellas y contestenlas honestamente. Comencemos. ¿Te has preguntado últimamente lo qué valoras realmente en la vida? ¿Familia, amistad, lealtad, seguridad financiera, educación, salud, tiempo libre, honestidad, Dios, creatividad, naturaleza, etc.?

Today's topic will be intense. Get ready! I will start with the following questions; so take your time, think about them and answer them honestly. Let's start. Have you asked yourself lately what you really value in life? Family, friendship, loyalty, financial security, education, health, free time, honesty, God, creativity, nature, etc.?

Todo lo que tu mano halle para hacer, hazlo según tus fuerzas; porque no hay actividad ni propósito ni conocimiento ni sabiduría en el Seol adonde vas. Eclesiastés 9:10 Reina-Valera 1960
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10 New International Version

Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que aquello que realmente valoramos nos motiva a levantarnos cada mañana, ¿cierto? Aquello que valoramos nos indica el rumbo en el que debemos de caminar. Si la excelencia es valiosa para nosotros entoces nos desempeñamos mejor no solamente porque tenemos que cumplir con ciertas obligaciones sino porque estamos apasionados por realizar excelentemente las cosas. En pocas palabras, ¡vemos que tienen sentido!

I think we all agree that what we really value motivates us to get up every morning, right? What we value tells us the direction in which we should walk. For example, if excellence is valuable to us, then we perform better not only because we have to fulfill certain obligations, but also because we are passionate about doing things the right way. In short, we see that they make sense!

Aquello que valoramos nos ayudan a poner todo en la perspectiva correcta. El problema es que casi nunca tomamos el tiempo para preguntarnos, acerca de lo que realmente es importante para nosotros. La respuesta a esa pregunta nos ayudará a invertir mejor nuestro tiempo. Todavía más, si nuestra vida es la suma de nuestras actividades diarias entonces la manera en que invertimos o no nuestro tiempo es primordial.

What we value help us put everything in the right perspective. The problem is that we almost never take the time to ask ourselves what is really important to us. The answer to that question will help us spend our time better. Even more, if our life is the sum of our daily activities, then the way in which we spend or not spend our time is paramount.

Descubrir a donde queremos ir y actuar consecuentente en cuanto a ello implica trabajo y esfuerzo. Es decir que hay un precio que pagar. Eso es inevitable, pero no nos debe de preocupar, porque la recompensa de lograr nuestra meta hace que cualquier inversión sea insignificante en comparación.

Discovering where we want to go and acting accordingly in terms of it implies work and effort. That is, there is a price to pay. That's inevitable, but we shouldn't worry, because the reward of achieving our goal makes any investment pale in comparison.

Finalmente quiero proponerte que tomes 10 minutos diarios - tantos días como sea necesario - para meditar profundamente acerca de lo que valoras en la vida y por qué lo valoras. Mi consejo es que tomen papel y bolígrafo y escriban los resultados. Ese sería solo el comienzo, porque en base a la respuesta que encuentres podrás comenzar a priorizar y a enfocarte en lo realmente importante. Como consecuencia de eso vivirás contento y serás productivo.

Finally, I want to propose that you take 10 minutes a day - as many days as necessary - to meditate deeply about what you value in life and why you value it. My advice is to take a pen and paper and write the results down. That would be just the beginning, because based on the answer you find, you can begin to prioritize and focus on what is really important. As a consequence of that you will live content and you'll be productive.


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This is a good way for everyone to examine their life and know what they really value because this will make them more productive in everything they're doing and it will also help them in decision making.

I have a lot of things I value in life but my family is up there in the list of the topmost things that guides my action.

Thanks for sharing this on DreemPort

Every time I coach groups on this subject family is the first or second most important value they have. I think that is wonderful! Thanks for commenting, @kenechukwu97 ! #DreemPort 👍

Nice. It really show valuable family can be in our life. It's good to read from you.

It really show valuable family can be in our life.

It really does!

Thanks for reading my material. I appreciated it!

If we can find out the why...we can figure out the why... Indeed, what we value puts everything into perspective and shapes our thinking. This is a good read and I found you through Dreemport. 🥰🥰🥰

If we can find out the why...we can figure out the why...

I can't add anything to that ⬆️ Well said! 👍

Thanks for the encouragement, @olawalium! I'll be looking for your post in #DreemPort as well!

Thank you for such a lovely thought provoking message. It means a lot.

Excelente post 🔥🌼 @acgalarza

¡Muchas gracias, @itzchemaya! 🙂

Miré tus vídeo, ¡gracias por tu música!


It is something we don't think about usually. Your advice is sound though. 👍

Yes, it has been my experience that just about no one thinks about these things. Only when confronted with that subject. But once confronted is something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives!

Thanks for commenting, @blitzzzz!

there is a price to pay.

Paying the price in the form of time, I can relate it to the time I remained away from home for studies. Missing the sun and family time as a price for bright future. Yups you are right to become a valuable person we have to strive for making it perfect and forever.
Dreemport brought me here.

Yes, time is the most valuable and precious thing we have. If we use it wisely we will reap the fruits of our efforts. If we waste it on unimportant things then we will regret it for the rest of our lives.
Thanks for your comment, @ayesha-malik! #DreemPort !LUV

Bit sometimes the wasted time is fun😔 and this immature behaviour is also part of life.

🤣 Yes, you are right! I think there is a place of course for fun and being silly! 👍 We need that too in order to stay sane in the head! 🤣 But, please, not too much fun, eh? 😜

Have a great day, @ayesha-malik!

Meditar ayuda a muchas cosas gracias amigo por este artuculo muy bueno. El camino nnos trajo aqui y valoro mucho la cominudad en la que estamos aqui. que tengas un buen dia

Heeeeyyy @old-man-chu58!!! ¡Gracias por comentar mi artículo! Me da gusto que te haya gustado.

Si, definitivamente la meditación, oración, momentos de quietud son indispensables en esta vida tan caótica.

Soy nuevo en HIVE y apenas estoy encontrando lentamente la gente que quiero seguir y ver vídeos. Me topé con el tuyo y me gusto mucho tu estilo. ¿Cuánto tiempo tienes en el Blockchain?


Ui amigo tambien soy nuevo apenas un poco mas de 2 meses pero la communidad es excelente ayudando a nuevos usuarios. GRacias por el segumiento y bien benido a la plataforma

Ah que bien. Entonces ya somos dos "Newbies" 👍

Si, estoy de acuerdo, la comunidad brinda mucho apoyo y ánimo. Aunque tengo muchas cosas por aprender, estoy muy contento. Ahora mismo quiero dedicarme a conocer gente o creadores buenos como tú.

Adelante con el buen trabajo. Saludos

Those questions are really deep questions..
Your post made me reflect on my life again

Nice read

In the near future, I will post more Posts on this subject - sort of a series. I hope you like them. Feel free to write me a note if you have questions or if there is something you would like to add. Have a great weekend!Thank you, @sperosamuel15! Yes, the intention is to force - in a good way - people to think and reflect on these subjects and to appreciate the relevance that the answers to those questions have in their lives and the lives of the people around them.

Thanks for your kind response
I'll earnestly look up for the rest of the series

For me who gives always stay up and no one can let them down. A giver never can be beggar. My aim to be a giver.

Beautiful worldview! I like it! 👍 I agree with you! To focus on loving our neighbor and giving instead of focusing on taking is a great aspiration in life. Thanks for sharing that with us, @shohana1!

Thank you so much sir for being agreed with me.

You're welcome! We just have similar worldviews! 👍

Living to be happy!

Nice! 🙂👍

What specific things in life make you happy?

Now I'm on the stage when I'm trying to find happiness in everything I'm doing. Food, movies, books, coffee, joints etc

I think that is a very good attitude. I myself enjoy good food, coffe and books. But if I may, can I ask you a follow-up question? You don't have to answer it if you don't want.

You mention things that make you happy and that you enjoy doing, but what about meaning or purpose? Is being happy in everything you do or experience what gives meaning to your life?

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Truthfully, we all need answers to these questions because it's only when we have gotten those right answers that we will be able to propel our lives towards that direction. Thanks alot for this reminder @acgalarza.💚

Good morning, @iskafan!

right answers that we will be able to propel our lives towards that direction.

You are absolutely right! 👍 Are you thinking about it and writing your answers down?

Have a great day!

Good morning @acgalarza . I hope you slept well?

You are absolutely right! 👍 Are you thinking about it and writing your answers down?

I ain't going to miss a day of this evaluation anymore especially since I just read it and you have urged us to do more of it. Thanks.