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RE: Focus on what you can control

This is the way! Although it's sometimes easier said than done. You can, however, take certain precautions and protect your business with an alarm, cameras and other security measures. Take action and have a response plan, but we can't live in a state of paranoia.


We too often forget that we have walls and door locks to keep our selves and our property secure. We are able to mitigate our susceptibility to hazards we cannot control, and this enables us to take reasonable action - not to worry about things we cannot control - but to control what is our responsibility and ability to control. You point out modern technological tools that increase our security over just having walls and door locks, and very often modern technology can greatly increase the benefits we can attain with it, because the most advanced technology is the most productive technology.

Just as we would never dream of sleeping on the street and leaving piles of our money next to us when we have the ability to sleep in a home with locked doors, we should similarly take actions available to us, particularly considering the most productive ways the most advanced tech makes possible.

I don't know if we forget we have walls and door locks. I absolutely make sure all doors and windows are locked before closing down my business for the day. This is step 1. After step 1 is complete, I try to add more layers of security: alarm, camera, fireproof safe, security company and direct relationship with the local police.

I should say that we forget we had to invent and adopt these technologies to mitigate hazards we cannot control. Walls and door locks didn't just spring up around us. They are technologies we are responsible to implement that mitigate hazards we cannot control, and are exemplary of what we must do to mitigate all hazards we cannot control, regardless of what that hazard may be. We can't control hazards, but we can mitigate our susceptibility to them, and when we have we can then have peace of mind and accept what may come because we have responsibly done what we can do to live in a hazardous world.