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RE: I Thought of You Today

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago

I am kind of in that place today. I know I need to write a post, but I can't really think of much of anything to write about. It is an uncomfortable feeling. I planted some Dahlia's this past summer in my garden to help attract the bees and they seemed to do pretty well, so I think I might plant some more next year too.


They are really forgiving and I tend to go for the smaller ones, not the giant dahlias. They have such pretty colors and last forever! I like marigolds for the same reason. :)

I try to have a small section that attracts bees and hummingbirds.

Not being inspired is truly uncomfortable and I dislike it, but, I will say, I am probably there more than being on top of it all.

Le sigh.