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RE: Virtual community. Reality?

It truly is a complicated topic, but at the same time, the length (in words) doesn't necessarily correlate with a satisfying opinion. However, I will delve into a somewhat more abstract terrain.

How does communication really work?

Based on Claude Shannon's mathematical model, which can be seen in his article The Theory of Information, we can see how it depends on a sender, a receiver, an encoder, a decoder, and a channel to deliver a message from point A to point B.

Similarly, this leads us to certain idealistic nuances, creating a model in which, through our consciousness, we access a unique and non-transferable reality.

Now, collapsing all of this into a summary, it leads us to the understanding that we can view any human expression (including what is called "natural," since technology is also natural) as part of a continuum. Categorizations are created only to differentiate what is humanizing and what is not. Therefore, social interactions through non-physical networks tend to bend, but this is more of a temporal constant to express "humanity." We are always in contact with one another, exchanging expressions. How that reality is generated depends on each individual and not on collective systems themselves.

Apologies if there are any inconsistencies in the language. The text was translated using Deepseek because English is not my native language, and although I can express myself in it, more complex topics still pose a challenge for me. Thank you very much, and excellent reflections.


Yes, indeed, @brunettedev:

"It truly is a complicated topic ..."

I did not clearly understand what you were attempting to communicate with the translation of this:

"... but at the same time, the length (in words) doesn't necessarily correlate with a satisfying opinion."

I can imagine the challenge of attempting to communicate in a language not your own. It was interesting to see you have chosen to rely upon a new AI product that has been in the news recently.

As part of what I have commented on in this post, as much to stimulate a conversation around it, as anything else, I am still deciding what I think about AI coming into our lives. Not that my opinion matters, one way or the other, as we are all clear it is coming, no matter what we think.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your perspective. Seeing that your account is based in Cuba, I would be interested in learning how it is you found this post in the first place.

With the sentence I'm trying to say that sometimes, we expect a answer of a question have more probability to be right depending of the length of the message. That was a micro reflection inside of my words.

I don't remember all the path to found this post, but I'm a Hive enthusiast and I know that there are a lot of communities around the world and I love to explore the ecosystem, digging I read the post and reading I think I have sometime to say, and well, I said it jjjj

Okay, very good, @brunettedev. Now I understand. Thanks again for stopping by and providing your perspective! 🤝