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RE: The Advent of New Possibilities

Beyond all the commercialism is the true gift and meaning of this season. Advent is the beginning of the journey. This is a season of love and giving. The greatest gift we can give is our love.

I agree with this message completely you know the movie A Christmas story some people love it some hate it because of how many times it is played throughout the holidays. For me, I love it I didn't know the meaning behind it till I grew up and watched it again.

Being a kid all we want is presents but as you grow older you realize it's about love and caring for one another. I can't tell you how much I have gone from wanting to receive gifts from my younger days to just being thankful I can enjoy an amazing dinner and be around the people that matter most to me. The snow, the smells and most importantly the love you share with one another are unrivalled by anything else.



Bingo! It is exactly that and I wish parents could convey to their children how important those values are. I don't think I know a lot of young people that take those things into consideration. We live in a very me! me! me! society. Instant gratification, glued to the social media type of world.

I love social media, but, have a limited time on it due to life - and I am okay with that. The people that matter the most to me are not on social media and the love I have for them and spending time with them is unparalleled by all else.

I am so glad that you are able to do that and your Christmas, despite no tree or decorating - is perfect. It's not the baubles or presents, but, the love that is shared instead. That is what counts.

Thank you for your awesome comment! Have a great weekend! Thanks for the LUV!

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Thanks for the LUV!