Rays of sunshine spill through to my soul, revealing the start of a beautiful day. Admittedly, it’s all about letting the sun shine in, making your day bright, and bringing it right to wherever you are, whatever you are doing. How could you want any different? Sometimes merely looking at life in a different way changes a few things. If it doesn't - really, what have you lost? A chance at being happy?
Golden opportunity, golden touch, golden boy, golden rule...Oh, the richness of gold. But wait, is gold really valuable? To whom and why? My girls like silver. Do they have less taste? Lower values? Now I wonder. Golden can mean that a person is in a desirable situation that will likely lead to some sort of success. He is golden. Yes... just like bringing me a small bunch of golden sunshine tightly bound in grosgrain ribbon. This is totally desirable and quite likely successful in making me happy. Celebrate those golden moments. Life awaits you in all its fullness and joy.
When you find that place of happiness, the rest will come on its own. I find that it seems to all flow in the same stream. Inner peace, world peace, prayers for peace, and the sometimes elusive - finding peace of mind. Peace be with you. Every. Single. Day.
Today's forecast: Sunshine and happiness. Always look forward to a great weather pattern!
It has been a challenging week with the house being all torn up as they fix the damage from the pipe that burst and flooded my house. Just a little, but, it had to be dried, ripped out, and put back together with new pieces. You know, the regular. On the days that I have to push a little on myself or stretch a bit to see the sunny side of life, I say to you: find pleasure in one thing today or this week, but it has to be totally disconnected from the almighty dollar. Something that will never make you a dime, but gives you that content feeling of pure happiness. Now we are talking. We can do this.
Very close! These Mallard ducklings were nesting under my bushes along the side of my house. She is taking them for a swim, then home again, home again, jiggity jig. Isn't nature amazing? Making something out of nothing. Behold, the miracle of life. ❤️
Just so you know, it isn't always sunshine and unicorns... But, I challenge you to find the beauty in it. There is beauty in everything, you just have to look. Then look again. There are times when it doesn't get lost on me. Sometimes I find that you can see the beauty in the demise of things. A special kind of beauty. Indeed: Everything is beautiful, in its own way. And just like that, this show is over. Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again.
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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Had I tried for a million years I'd never have been able to say it like this. It's so true and I work hard at bringing it. You know?
We don't call you Mr. Sunshine for nothing! You do bring it!
I hope you are having a great evening as you head off into the night! Thanks for stopping by! Off to check how the work on the house is coming along!
Lol, I'll take Mr. Sunshine for sure. I can also be Mr. Storm Cloud, Mr. Hurricane and Mr. Hailstorm but sometimes, yep, Mr. Sunshine.
You know you are a gentle soul when animals choose you to nest about. Sorry to hear about the flood, beauty.
Awww! You are so sweet! I love that we have a lot of nesting animals at the house, and tons more at the shore house. Can you believe Gene @geneeverett and I had them just about the same time? They are finished putting in new insulation, three rooms with partial ceilings, and a whole paint job on 5 rooms in the house, including new tile in the bathroom (they may have to replace the shower tiles if they cannot match/find the tile.
pulled the carpet and pad in the one-bedroom and walk-in closet may need to replace the whole upstairs to keep the flow and matching. I could go on and on, but why? It is getting done and it is not by me! Woo-hoo!
Oh yeah ... that's right.
Imagine all of the places I have sat and read your posts! This time it is in the airport in Rome.
I like upgrading things when I have to fix them but a water pipe would give me that opportunity if I habs e to fix it. I just have to remind myself that it is a blessing to be able to afford emergency repairs.
You are a ray of sunshine on my feed every day.
Rome? I'm so jelly!!Hey, you!!! @zekepickleman!!
È lì che ti ha portato la tua vacanza? Il cibo! Bacia per me la Fontana di Trevi! Divertiti!
Thanks for stopping over while you jet about... :) That is always a great time to update, I agree, although the house is new(er) and not that much upgrading, although that isn't speaking much for the pipeworks, yes?
Enjoy your time!!!
I hope they are getting everything put back together and set for you. I know how horrible that can be. It always seems like it takes a second for it to get damaged, but an eternity for it to get repaired.
You know it is the insurance companies! They are finished putting in new insulation, three rooms with partial ceilings, and a whole paint job on 5 rooms in the house, including new tile in the bathroom (they may have to replace the shower tiles if they cannot match/find the tile.
pulled the carpet and pad in the one-bedroom and walk-in closet may need to replace the whole upstairs to keep the flow and matching. I could go on and on, but why? It is getting done and it is not by me!
There is a God!
I'm having a hard time bringing the sunshine in today. Actually, I have just wanted to SCREAM multiple times this afternoon.
Ugh..... Somebody is going to have to force some sunshine on me
haha... Grrrrrrrr
Come here, my pretty! I have a boatload of extras! I hope your evening makes up for it! I call we should order a pizza! ❤️
A bottle of wine, a pizza, and a movie. That is what I am up for! I haven't seen a movie in six months! I swear to God!
I was trying to think of what I could really do to make me feel better this evening, but I don't have that kind of drugs !!!
Haha! Go ask Alice
Wonderful Denise 🥰 yes find beauty in everything…
Even the small things that bring joy. Like a smile from a stranger… a flower that opened… the sun coming up… the little ducklings, yes, such a joy to see. Pure happiness.
Hope all is fixed soon and won’t distract you anymore.
I’m a silver girl too… won’t wear gold. 😉
Have a wonderful day further 👋🏻😁💃🏻☀️
Gold goes better with my skin tone. Or white gold! :)
Makes sense… and would be better for my skin tone too. But nope… hahaha 🤣 I’m different 😎😁
Even when I was little I remember my preference was silver.
I didn't have a preference when I was young. It was mostly gifted.
Maybe that’s part of it. I never got gold gifted (young)… only silver.
Maybe that at a very young age triggered my love for it. 😉
Have a wonderful day further 👋🏻😁
Perhaps! My girls got gifted gold and leaned towards silver. I have to admit, their coloring favors it. My bad. :)
I think it is great everybody has their own tastes and some times we don’t know why…
It makes a great mix and life is more exciting 😁💃🏻
Have a wonderful weekend Denise. 🤗🥰
We safely arrived in Paris and had already a great day 😁👋🏻
I would rather say "different", instead of "less" and "lower". Not more, not less. Just/only different. Everyone have different tastes, and this makes the whole world more beautiful. If everyone would have the same taste, then this world would be grey and boring. Variety and diversity makes it colorful in every aspect.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
You know!? You are right! :) Their taste isn't right or wrong, even less. Just different than mine. :)
Good morning from here!
Awesome photos. I love to read these words of yours dear @dswigle. Thanks for always having enough words to share.
Thanks for stopping over, Sam! @mcsamm I hope you are having a great day!
Hello mom @dswigle, it's very inspiring what you have said here.
I saw the mother duck lead her five cubs to a golden opportunity. The mother duck realized that the future and success of her chicks lay in the water where they often swam. On the side of your house there is also a beauty that you give because they feel safe there.
"Everything really gives a feeling of pure happiness". It all has directed and led the mind to places and situations of success.
The only weapon we really have is our own mind. You don't have to be afraid of being snatched by
All you have to do is bring your mind to see the beauty in all things. Especially the beauty of your mind's ability to explore things more deeply towards a position that will lead you to success through the golden opportunity you have created yourself.
Have a nice day
:) Thank you so much for your thoughts. Nature has a way of taking care of its own, instinctively. It is rare to see one that doesn't know what to do or how to do it.
Our mind is our largest asset also, only a weapon if we allow it.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
So beautifully and honestly written dear Denise. I said goodbye to a friend after walking the cancer journey with her. My heart breaks for her husband and children. Your words really resonate as I reflect over the joys and sorrows of a life so deeply loved and so passionately mourned
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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Thanks for the pizza!
I love to see the ducklings and the mother duck crossing the road so neatly, and some of the yellow flowers are so beautiful that I It's so enchanting to see those flowers
Thank you! The ducklings are such a happy part of the neighborhood.
Yes, my friend is a very good duck, if in my area there are indeed a lot of ducks in the irrigation canal, Sometimes during the rice harvest season, many people buy ducks up to several thousand ducks to be released into agricultural fields and they can grow up on their own there.Things like that are done very much profit for those who do the duck business.