
Absolutely, go for it and make another one. Everyone is bonkers over pizza, myself included.

I use a stone too but I'm also interested in getting a baking steel at some point. The shipping for a 16lb item killed the deal the last time I seriously looked into it. They're supposed to be great for bread baking also.

I looked and Amazon has them for a good price, and free shipping, although I know nothing about them, so I don't know what to look for. I hear they are better, and you can double up on them in your oven.

Did you check them out and see which one is best?

I just looked too and see they're on there now. This wasn't the case for a long time.

The steel is indestructible unlike a stone that may break. I've never had it happen to me but it can happen. The heat retention and distribution of steel is much better than a porous stone from what I've read.

As with most things there is a learning curve to get the best results. I may need to pull the trigger and test one of these out myself 🙂

I know ! I already ordered one!!!