I don't think there was peakd when dd left. It was busy. HH has been gone for years. She still has the vote going though. I feel like something happened, otherwise why no answers? :(
I went to his old post a couple of times and he peeked in, but, that was long ago and he hasn't been back after that. I hate to see good people disappear, especially if they could use some moral support.
Anyway... I am droning on. ❤️
You aren't droning, you are speaking my language! I hate it when people like dd and h-h disappear too, especially if it's due to something less than awesome. I mean, I get that sometimes people move on, but they were such a wonderful, active part of the community.
At the very least I hope they know we are thinking of them😊
They do! They have been reached and I am going to have the person reach out once again. It has been so long and honestly, the mail brought nothing of note. I do remember him telling me that life had gotten so busy he didn't have much time, but, radio silence after that.
I really adored him and HH and I hope they know that in some way. ❤️
You are so soft and kind. Who knew that would happen?😂 Yes! Of course, I am kidding.
One of my friends calls me 5ply because I’m softer than toilet paper or something…I’m starting to get a complex lol🤪
I’m so glad they’ve been reached and your sentiments regarding those two awesome peeps echo mine exactly 🥰
Hope you’re having a splendid evening excellent lady!