You did wish me Merry Christmas, but, I think it is hard to keep track of it as you celebrate the Orthodox Christmas on January 7th.
I know you are right. If I don't change it, I may forget it or gather up so many changes, it would be overwhelming. So, it is easier to do it as needed. How will you be firmer in what you do? I am not quite sure what you mean, but, I feel like I am floundering a little right now, especially in my crypto journey. I need to learn more to be able to make good decisions.
I wish us both luck! :)
Thanks for always taking the time, Dan. I am still far behind and didn't even do yesterday's comments on my post yet. I need to get with the program!
Le sigh.
There are two kinds of Orthodox, the Russian one is the one that has Christmas as you say. The Romanian Orthodox Church has Christmas at the same time as the Catholic Church.
I wanted to say that I am generally hesitant and unhurried, I often avoid making a decision and most of the time this is not good. Otherwise, yes, we need to learn about crypto too...
I liked this a lot, thank you!
Happy New Year!
Im not sure why I thought yours was Orthodox also, but celebrate two weeks later. My mistake! Sorry. We are all still Christmas mode.
Perhaps the Christmas fast? I do remember the Capra show, dressing up like goats. I even have pictures sonewhere. Single men, unmarried. I will have to remember that.
We all have such interesting customs! May we never lose them.
Yes, the Goat(Capra) and the Bear(Ursul). They marked my childhood! Now I realize I don't know that... have you been to Romania too?
Yes. I know I had told you. Years ago though. (many years! I am getting old I think)
I vaguely remembered you referring to something in Romania as if you had been there, but perhaps I misunderstood. Well, here comes another difference..., you've been to my place, I'll never get to yours, but I'm glad I met you, at least here!
It's true! I have been there! You never know! You may make it here yet. :) But, why would you leave the beauty of Europe? If it wasn't for the red tape and other factors, I might still be living there.
I am happy that we have met!
I am a European passionate about Europe, I think I would find it hard to adapt in the US, although I have met some Romanians who liked it there. Unfortunately, the enormous distance and costs make it impossible to travel for tourism purposes.
I am just as glad that we met, that we have common passions, that we are on the right side of life, and that we learn from each other about the places where we live.
You took all the Romanian words away! 😮
They were mine, ha, ha...
Hahaha! :)