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RE: Saving Christmas

Woo-hoo! Vaca Wednesday! I haven't had time to respond! I am still writing more Christmas cards and baking cookies. But, it has been a fun day in all. I'm listening to the Boston Pops as I do it~ :)

Christmas was always so special, and in many ways, it is just as special now as it was then. More so, watching my young nieces and nephew and little cousins... It is all so new to them. I got the triplets a Roll-Up Flexible Electronic Piano Keyboard. I can hardly wait to see their faces when they see that. They are five now, so they are a lot of fun and mischief!

I have shown off the nutcracker cans (is that what you mean?) in several posts but, I will put one in tonight for you, along with some of the outside Christmas lights.

Re: the news. I don't watch it. Not if I can help it. Not lately. Negative Nelly lives in my TV. Oh, I cannot stand it anymore. I want to send the head of broadcasting a happy pill or two. An heir and a spare.

Happy Happy Wednesday to you!