
I agree material things are unavoidable we do all love them but keeping them to a moderation is the challenge of not getting to greedy within ourselves. I have seen poverty here over the covid period and still now nearly everyday I will give a small amount of money to the people on the streets that are really in need for a bowl of soup 😊

That is awesome. The overt poverty in some countries is staggering, especially women with children. It happens in my own country. Can you imagine growing up that way?

I cannot. For the life of me, I cannot. Hey, you! I hope you had a great weekend!

It really does sadden me I just do what I can it would be horrible living that way no where to shower and not knowing when your next meal is going to be.

The thought horrifies me, and yet, having volunteered at a public and private homeless shelter, I can tell you that they come from all walks of life, including yours and mine. Most people don't plan on being homeless, but, especially the downturns in the economy, depression, drug/alcohol abuse, divorce, and loss of income will drive you home to it. It is amazing how life's circumstances just show up when you are paying attention.

It really is horrifying and cause of this pandemic I have been seeing so much more poverty here in Thailand but what has surprised me I expected the crime rate to escalate but no people have come together helping each other in these bad times makes me feel proud to be living here because it's even changed me for the better to see how people have come together here.