Is Money Truly Evil?

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago

Is Money Truly Evil?


Money happens to be one of the biggest influence in the world, the substance in itself is very harmless but the hand to which it falls into is what determines the kind of result that it would produce.

Money can either be good or evil depending on the kind of person wielding it. I have seen many people tag money as evil substance and some as distraction and so many other interpretation which may not necessarily be either wrong or right because this substance on it's on is dead and helpless, on its own it can't do anything, on its own it's just an ordinary tool.

But when man handles it's, life comes into it. It's funny how no matter how bad we paint money, we all desire it and are daily working to get it. Our world is governed by this substance, it looks like everything because in this realm it can do and also undo things. Those who have it are considered as gods while those without it look like slaves.

Now, making money doesn't depends on luck, character, location, intellects and so on. The fact that a person is kind doesn't automatically gives him a ticket to be rich, the fact that one lives in a wealthy area doesn't make the person rich. What brings money is work, coupled with ones ability to grab opportunities. A lot of people take opportunities for granted, they despised opportunities that were made to change their lives for good simply because they looked small before their eyes.

Today, I challenge you to take every little opportunity that comes your way with all seriousness, you really don't know which one will favour you.

Because of how powerful money is in this realm, people are willing and always ready to get this substance by all means and by all costs. Of a truth things are hard and everyone is feeling the heat but going extra mile to make money through devious means will not solve the problem.

It is no longer hidden, that both the young and the old are into different societies and activities, that demands exchange with strange things to make money. We see people cheating others to make this same money, others sell their bodies, some kill. people do all sort of things just to get this substance, it so pathetic. Sometimes I wonder what kind of force this very substance carries.

The truth is, no matter how money is made, money will still be money, there would not be any engraving on it, indicating that it is blood money or clean money, that is to tell you that money in itself is innocent. Whatever means you derived it, is left for you.

Greed and the love of money is what makes people do some of the evil things I mentioned earlier to make money. One bad thing with money made through evil means is that, no matter how much of it you have, it will only take but a moment and it will go. It does not always look enough and can't be used for meaningful things because it is cursed unto you.

So why all the haste? Why all the rush, when there is a right way to get this substance? Some believe that no money is clean, one can't have a lot of money if he/she doesn't engage in dirty things. As true as that statement looks, it is a lie from the pit of hell to derail men from going the right way.

Even if that statement seems to be true, is it not even better to enjoy the little you have through your sweat than have much and remain restless and unhappy all your life? I am saying this to open your eyes because the love of money has made many go into things they are currently regretting. Life is not all about money. If you are blessed with money in abundance fine, if it's little that can sustain you and your family that's also beautiful. Money doesn't satisfy a man, it is a very dangerous thing to allow it's love rule over you because you may go on chasing it the wrong way, till it eventually leads you to the grave.

What I don't agree with is poverty, being in a condition of continuous lack, but trust me, if you work, you wont lack what to eat. Why then do we kill ourselves for all these mundane things? Money can't buy breathe, money can't buy health. this is to tell you that the substance also have limitations. I counsel you today to check your desire for money. Where is it leading you to?

It's really not bad to chase money, myself I am working to get it. It is very important, without it, in this world you become irrelevant yet don't let it be your doom. Make money but make it the right way, gather as much as you can but don't let it cloud your mind. Never forget that there is always a right way to get things done, the wise will always look for that path and tread on it.

hereThis is my entry for Dreemport's August Challenge in collaboration with Thoughtfuldailypost. I am in this with my able partner in the person of @dwixer. You can read his post

Thanks For Reading


This is very true and informative. Having money is a big help in our daily life. But using it in the wrong way is dangerous and can lead you to prison or even death.

The only secret to being happy with money is to learn to be satisfied with whatever you have. As long as you can buy food, clothes, and shelter.

You have said it all, being contented with whatever we have while we don't give up still striving the right way is the best way to live happily.

Thanks so much for reading, see you around 🥰

The phrase you partially quote is from the bible.

it's 1 Timothy 6:10 and a literal translation would be 'the root of all bad things is a fondness for silver'

while the word κακῶν is often translated as 'evil' alternative translations in this verse include 'bad' (Byington & Living English); 'vices' (Rotherham); and 'injurious things' (New World Translation).

As you attest, it is the love, the desire, the avariciously grasping, for money, wealth, which is the issue, not money itself. indeed, Ecclesiastes 7:12 calls money a protection, but not one to be trusted over wisdom or knowledge.

Hmm!! I really love this feedback.. I have not read that part of proverbs before. Actually true riches is not based on material things, money is protection but wisdom and knowledge is superior

Thanks for the beautiful comment

Well, looking at it with a clear mind, it is humans that make money valueable and it is also humans who try to acquire money in evil ways so it's basically on us.


Smiles.... That is just it. We are the problem not the innocent substance 😁

Thanks for reading dearie

its always my pleasure


Money is for protection, it can never be the root of evil things. But the love and quest for money has really made people to do odd things for money. Making money is not bad but when we are ready to sacrifice anything for money, that's when it becomes a problem

I really love your take on this subject. Truly it's when we allow the desire for money to cloud our mind that it gets the opportunity to turn us into something else but on a normal day, money is something everyone should posses .

See you around mate, thank you so much🥰

Money is not and can never be evil, rather people have made it seem like it is evil. Money is good if gotten in a legit way.

#dreemport #dreemerforlife

Exactly mate, it's those that posses it that are the problem and not money in itself.

Thanks so much for such coming around 🥰