How I finally fumbled.๐Ÿ˜”

in ThoughtfulDailyPost โ€ข last year


That statement that says people are watching, whether they tell you or not? Well, that was my situation a few weeks back.

It was supposed to be a lecture-free day for me, but one lecturer managed to sneak in his class that day. The class was in the afternoon around 3pm, and it was meant to last for just one hour.

I remember going through my wardrobe for something comfortable to wear and spotting a gown I took from my sister It was just the perfect dress for the weather. It reached mid-thigh, and I thought my thighs were showing but not very much. However, I justified it by thinking it was just a one-hour class, and I wouldn't likely meet anyone I knew.

I dressed in that gown and headed to class, getting more stares than usual. I wasn't bothered, thinking it couldn't be about my legs ๐Ÿ˜….


By the time I walked from my hostel to my lecture room, the lecturer and students were already in the class sitted, so I had to walk in with all eyes on me and trust me the stares were different from the usual. But I wasn't still bothered because the dress felt manageable and comfortable and it is me over anyone right?


After the class, a coursemate called me and asked, "What happened?" I was puzzled, and she mentioned feeling weird seeing me in that dress, suggesting I should have worn leggings. I thanked her, and told her I didn't feel it was that short.

Another classmate approached me, asking if I was okay. I said yes, and she echoed the same concerns about the dress. What struck me was when she said,

"Don't you know you have built a reputation for being modest? How do you want people to see you after this?"

It was like a veil lifted, and I realized the dress, though not extremely short, revealed my thighs and restricted my bending.

I thanked her, went back to my seat, humbly.

Immediately after the whole class shenanigans, I took a bike back to my hostel because I was not comfortable being seen in the dress by anyone again, there and then, I decided never to wear that dress to a public place again, except in my room.

Whether we like it or not, people form opinions based on how we carry ourselves, our dressing, and other aspects of our lifes that they can see. I didn't have to explicitly say I'm a Christian in my department; they just knew. Our actions convey messages, and even if people don't say anything, they see what we do.

In essence, my dressing that day conveyed a different message about my values to everyone who saw me, and the good ones were quick to guide me back on track.

Image one belongs to me
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This is true. We can say a lot with words, but the things our action highlight is usually louder than any word we could have said.

Of course, people are always watching and it's good that you have people around you who can take steps closer to give your their opinion about your dress code. It speaks highly of your ability to take criticism, whether positive or negative.


I'm really glad they took the initiative to tell me, they could have kept quiet too anyways, and I will still bask in my short cloth


You're lucky they actually came up to you to share their concern and views, some people would have simply formed a negative opinion of you and stuck with their new belief.

I know right ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜….

I really do not care anyways. Your opinion is yours to have.

But I'm really glad they told me, atleast it reminded all over that I'm not living for me alone ๐Ÿค—.