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RE: Vacaction / Work / Life / Balance?

I haven't had a "real" vacation in a very, very long time. Most of my vacations include work. Because I can work from anywhere with wifi there is a beauty to still being able to keep all the plates spinning whether I am in the mountains or the beach or in my studio working.

There is also the fact that because I can work from anywhere I never actually get time off of work. Granted I work for myself. So you would think I could just call a time out and take the time away. Yet, as an entrepreneur there are ups, downs, and flat times in between. So work is always present.

I do like what I do and work only on projects I believe in so work is enjoyable. I'm not sure I would know how to take a real vacation anymore. You do bring up such a good point about doing nothing. The idea of doing nothing for an entire week seems lovely yet I'm also not sure I could. You've definitely given me something to ponder further.


Oh trust me, I totally get you. The ability that we can work from practically anywhere (with WiFi) is awesome and I wouldn’t want to miss it at all. I get that it is vital for you as an entrepreneur. But as you say you have up and down times. For me, over the past couple of years it has been full steam ahead all.the.time. I love when it’s busy, even stressful but when there is only stress all the time, no breather at all? Then even the breather I. e. vacation doesn’t bring me the relief i wanted. I will really have to work on mini breaks throughout the working day and week. And then, hopefully, a vacation will work it’s intended purpose again: to recharge the batteries fully.

Doing nothing or something you don’t need to do but only want to do for its enjoyments factor is IMO worthwhile implementing in your life. I hope you’ll find a way.

Thanks for stopping by 😻

Here's to making time to do nothing at all and enjoy it1 Cheers!