Ahh dear Ds, whenever I cartwheel into your blog for a perusal I swear I leave with a whimsical, doofy smile and a rejuvenated spirit. There’s warm words, pensive thoughts about a majestic memorial, and a guard kitteh! Love kittehs and visuals but love you more!
Hope your Monday was as sublime as the Sunday:)
Awwww KitKat, you know I love you bunches and bunches. I used to love cartwheeling and one day, the spoke was broken and it just wouldn't happen. It took me weeeeeeeeeks to fix it and now, I can cartwheel with the best of them, until one day, once again, it will break again.
It is such a hoot when you come calling. I will get my lazy self over there, once I catch up. No, I will have to do it before, the catching up is a not happening thing!
Thanks for the visity! Blows kisses!
Those darn spokes! We need a spoke repair kit so we can get right back out there and cartwheeling again! Cause the thing is, it seems like the breaks take longer to mend these days lol!
My dear Ds, you are anything but lazy! I love it when you wander onto the blog lawn, but there's no hurries or worries required🥰
Hope your morning has been beyond splendid!