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RE: Soulful Thoughts

in ThoughtfulDailyPost β€’ 9 months ago

I am just so flipping happy to see you soaking up the sun! I hope this summer keeps that energy for you, last year was too dang rainy πŸ˜’β˜‚οΈ

That jumpsuit looks comfy and cute! My best friend pawned a jumpsuit off on me recently, and it is surprisingly cozy! Perfect for us gals over 30, cause I don't even want to be cute if I can't chill! (hbu?) πŸ˜‚

The photo of your parents is beautiful, and so are your reflections on connection and leaning into differences.

the similarities and differences between people complement and add spice to relationships.

I think this is spot on. It's terribly boring to be with someone who never challenges you, but you also have to have a homebase together. I liked how you highlighted all of that! πŸ’—πŸ€—

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Spring/Summer is non-existent here. It's been raining continuously since that day. I saw a headline of the govt suggesting people stock up on canned food.
It's been miserable and I'm eager to be back on my boat.

I don't even want to be cute if I can't chill! (hbu?)

100% I need comfy clothes and shoes full stop

Thank you 😊
It was so interesting seeing that photo and I wish I had seen it about 20 years ago when my dad was still alive.
Made me think about the value there is to looking back at old photos periodically when in relationships. I think it could be like a relationship compass. πŸ€—β€οΈ