

I use several tools that work for me... Better than that... they actually WORK!


Hive Now... so scroll to the bottom and you shall see your Pending Payouts for Posts.
If you post 2 or three things you should be able to push it over $5 or $10 pending.

If you KEEP posting it will keep going up until you have a "Cycle", depending on how often you post.

Let's say it was only 3 posts a week and the total is $10 a week. Then when a post pays out then the Pending will go down to something like $6-7. Then you need to post to replace that post.

In my case I post daily and get rewarded daily and replace those posts daily!

Makes a lot of sense! I am hoping to get up to posting at least once a day on weekdays. 😁 Thanks for the info!