Me too.
Hogfather's a good one, I think. Not all the Discworld books are on the same level. Soul Music, Small Gods, Moving Pictures and Reaper Man (as well as many of the witch books) are some of my favorites, but some, like The Truth, I don't know if I finished. That's my favorite bit of it, there's so many characters it's tempting to find one you wanna stick to.
i just realized something, and it could sound bad :D there are girls stories, boy stories and everyone stories :D
I like the Guards. and Rincewind was always a fun one. Maybe because he was the first character i got introduced to. And Death, obvious by the username :)
Soul Music, Small Gods, Moving Pictures and Reaper Man all great.
Bad to whom? Not to me, I agree. I could never love the Guards stories as much as I do the witch stories (though wizards beat both) :D It's a boy story, and that's fine. I love Rincewind too.
i just never thought about it, but just realized that my friend who introduced Pratchett to me was also not that much into the witch stories, but loved the Guards :D