Daily, it’s as if our world gets too wide that we just wish not to be present. Our urge to disappear keeps growing stronger and stronger. We are becoming more confused and unsure about our choices, our thoughts and our emotions. In a world like ours, the thing anyone can do to be of help to others and even themselves is to try as much as possible to be present. Don’t just exist, but try to really live. As we were taught in school, one of the major characteristics of a living person is GROWTH.

Due to the challenges and difficulties we have faced over the years, it’s as if we keep losing the best part of ourselves and that makes us not to be confident in ourselves anymore. And because we are not even sure of ourselves, it becomes really hard to be there for others. We keep letting our situations define us and make us be something that we are not and that’s because somewhere in our minds, we feel that by allowing that happen, we can succeed in hiding ourselves from everyone and everything.

One thing we fail to realize in all of these is that, we all need each other and the more we are focused on just ourselves because we have come to accept that we are the only ones that have got our back, the more we neglect those around us and the more they do things that will indirectly or even directly affect us. And then, regret steps in the picture. So, the big question is, how do we stay present? Well, there are so many ways for us to stay present and I believe strongly that these will help us to not only be of help to ourselves but also to others.

One thing we can do to stay present is, not being scared to build connections. A lot of times, we struggle to make connections with people because we are scared of heartbreaks, disappointment, betrayal and loss. We start becoming too careful with everything because we are scared to lose them and in the end we lose them anyways. Life is all about all of these things, it is not our perfect dream world. People will break our hearts and we will do likewise. People will disappoint us and so also we will disappoint them. They will betray us and eventually we will loss them but that shouldn’t stop us from building connections with people.

When we build something and we have a reason to stay, we will definitely want to be present and by being present, you will definitely want to be more helpful to yourself and of course, those you love. And once this connection has been built, you will always want to know what’s going on in their lives and see how you can be of assistance. You always want to regularly check on them, listen to them in time of distress and lend a helping hand when needed and so much more. And because you have a reason to be present, you then realize that you have not only be of help to others but to yourself.

As humans, as long as we don’t try to live without people, we will always feel present. But then, that is the war we have to fight and be victorious in because life will always try to make us want to just fold up. But don’t forget that you are a living being and you just have to grow and you can’t grow without people. So, never let yourself believe that you can live without people or you can do it all on your own. Well, maybe you can but I can’t and I need you.

This is my response to the Thoughtful Thursday prompt. Thanks for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine


This is such a heartfelt piece that reminds us of how easy it is get lost in all the struggles of life. It's even easier to remain absent and be convinced that we are better off alone but growth only happens in connection. By being there for others and allowing them be there for us. Thank you for sharing this! A lot of us often find it hard accepting help from people. This is a beautiful reminder. Thank you.

Yes. Yes. You totally understand my little message and I’m glad you did. 🥰

Thanks for agreeing with me and leaving your thoughts. ❤️

Thank you. 🥰

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Thank you for the support. 🥰

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Wes & Grindan

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