💚Happy Independence Day💚
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Hope you all are well👍
Everyone waits for this day but now due to bad days no one is so excited for this day. But this does not mean that we should forget the sacrifices of our loved ones. I am happy that every child is happy and celebrating this great occasion happily, but not our youth
picture are captured by me
Youth thinking
The thinking of our youth is very wrong that Pakistan has not given anything and we left it and went to other countries. What a dirty thought. Our God has promised to feed everyone no matter where they live.
My thoughts
I admit that now we face many problems but that doesn't mean we should leave our motherland, it is our family that gave us a place to be free. And every family has problems and it does not mean that we leave our family and home, however we solve this problem and as it is the case of our motherland, it needs us and we........ Well I know this is a very difficult situation for us. But the solution is not to give up and run away as a coward and a weakling.
We as a youth is Pakistan's future, so be positive, be calm and work hard
picture are made by WhatsApp (emojis) flag and heart 🇵🇰❤
I really request you guys that please be positive and don't say anything negative on your social accounts atleast about Pakistan🇵🇰♥
"May Allah grant our homeland again the highness and standards ameen"
Pakistan Zindabad🇵🇰
Pakistan Paindabad🇵🇰
I love you so much 🤍
Pakistan zindabad 🫂 😍
Wearing green and white doesn't mean we celebrate the occasion, do something that makes others happy
picture are captured by me
Respect the flag
The day passes and flags are also seen lying in the streets. For some people this flag may be just a piece of paper or a piece of paper after August 14th but there are many people for whom this flag is their identity, from their shoulders to their shrouds and graves. This flag is always there to protect this flag, since the creation of Pakistan till today they will continue to sacrifice their lives and always will. So be happy to buy only as many flags as you can keep. It's not just a piece of paper or cloth, it's a sign of the sacrifices our loved ones made, and it's not to be trampled under our feet
picture are made by emoji flag 🇵🇰
🍃وطن ڪی مٹــی بنــی میــری پہچـــان💚
جہـاں روشن چــانـدستــارےوہ ہےمــیرا پاکستان🇵🇰💯
🦋 اس مٹی کے تعویذ بنا کے نام وطن کا گلے لگا کے بس اتنا کہنے آئے ہیں 💚🤍🇵🇰
شکریہ پاکستان 🫶🏻 پاکستان شکریہ ❤️
مسکرائے پاکستان 🫰🏻 پاکستان مسکراۓ😍
- It's all about Independenc day💚
- Hope you like it ☺
Happy independence day. 😊💝
Thank you 💚
The youth is not wrong as well because the decades have passed but we are still grappling with issue . There is no political stability, there is rule of law , meritocracy is not declining instead it has been extirpated completely and corruption is on its peak. There are no opportunities for the youth. The idea of going abroad is good in my pov because in this way we can serve country atleast via our remittances
I agree but that doesn't mean we should leave our country, although it needs us, it needs young people like us, we have to waste our higher education in other countries and nothing else, hmmm that's a big problem. The political support is not that strong but we can change. If we (the nation) are united and against the ambitions of politics, and when we are not and our youth are not with the country, no one can change the situation in our country.
And corruption is only because of us, now many people think, everyone commits corruption even if I do it.... And because of corruption in Abort, Pakistanis have no entry and no one trusts us. , and many people left their country and went to other countries and what kind of job did they do, like electrician, plumber, chef, a taxi driver etc. No educated person ever do that kind of job in Pakistan.
And my contacts are accepting that and want to come back to their country and be with their family and want to do the better job that they deserve, they understand that we can live in Pakistan and can this work.
Well i keep a slightly different point than you
As around 8 lac people who left country in 2023, majority were skilled like Doctors,engineers and phd scholars. Those who are doing electrician and plumber work in European countries are earning more than an honest 17 BPS officer.
Secondly even if they stay here,they will become useless because there are no opportunities available for them.
Leaving the country is good for county as atleast through remittances we can increase country‘foreign exchange reserves
And sorry to say mothers of Pakistani nation don’t give birth to such courageous kids who will come out , offer their blood for the upcoming generation by uprooting the existing governance system. Revolution demands blood as it did in 1947.
Well i keep a slightly different point than you
As around 8 lac people who left country in 2023, majority were skilled like Doctors,engineers and phd scholars. Those who are doing electrician and plumber work in European countries are earning more than an honest 17 BPS officer.
Secondly even if they stay here,they will become useless because there are no opportunities available for them.
Leaving the country is good for county as atleast through remittances we can increase country‘foreign exchange reserves
And sorry to say mothers of Pakistani nation don’t give birth to such courageous kids who will come out , offer their blood for the upcoming generation by uprooting the existing governance system. Revolution demands blood as it did in 1947.
I didn't talk about doctors and engineering, why they go abroad just because of money but why Pakistan never deserves good doctors and engineering, that's why our nation is backward that everyone got their higher education and Then after getting education they went to other countries. That's why there is no cure for some diseases in Pakistan because everyone got good education and went to other countries. Not available in Pakistan, oh, but they just want money, they didn't change the country. I talked about people who completed their graduation like us.
Of course, the sacrifices of our loved ones and many problems are faced only by the people who steal their country without help and go abroad. Money alone does not solve all problems. As I mentioned above, isn't this a solution for many people who don't go abroad to get checked by a doctor...help for them. If everyone goes to other countries after studying, who will see our country?
Happy independence day ☀️
Thank you❤

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