When loving too much hurts badly

One thing about loving a person is that you sometimes cannot tell when you are doing too much neither can you tell when you're doing too little, as all you can think of in your head is their well-being and nothing else.

The concept of “tough love” inspires many opinions. Do you feel that this approach to helping people along is helpful or hurtful? Have you experienced dishing it out and/or receiving it? .

One thing I am learning to do is to know when to take a step back and to know when to stop.


I was watching a reality show recently and in the show, two sisters were having their diary session and one of the sisters kept complaining about how she felt unheard, she talked about how her sister pushing her too hard made her feel.
In their conversation, she tried to make her sister understand that they were two different people with different personalities, and while explaining she broke down, I didn’t know when I broke down too. I broke down because most of the things she said to her sister were things I have said and done to my sister too which she always complained about, I felt so bad, I felt so bad because, in a bid to push my sister, I have hurt her in many ways that I didn’t know, tough love much?


My sister and I are two different people, I am the extrovert and she is the introvert. She’s the calm one and I am the strong-headed one. While evaluating myself and my relationship with my sister I discovered I have been using the wrong approach or I’d say method to correct and guide my sister, forgetting that we both have different personalities and approaches to life and what works for me, might not work for her, or what I might perceive as easy might take a lot from her, and as a result, it seemed as though I was forcing her to be like me which is never possible.

My sister is so smart, she’s one of the smartest people I know so whenever I see her relaxed about certain things it gets to me. I know how much potential she has and I know the great things she can achieve if only she would stop shying away from challenges.


Now I understand that those times I felt like she could do more I might have pushed her way too much than she could handle. Sometimes I push her so hard that we quarrel, but she still gets the job done and we both sort things out.

I have had so many of these “quarrel” episodes with her every now and then but I didn’t know the length of which I was hurting her, it took watching a similar scenario to make me realize I was going way overboard. Remember my intentions were and are pure and my doing “too much” was as a result of loving her too much to watch her take the back seat while she could be the driver.

While listening to those sisters I kept asking myself different questions, “Was this how my sister felt all these years?”
“Was this how my good intentions were perceived as doing too much or hurting the person in question?”.

It’s crazy the length we can and are willing to go for people we love.
Tough love to an extent is good but when it hurts the person in question deeply and constantly then it becomes toxic.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


I guess we all have made that mistake of doing too much, pushing the ones we love way more than necessary. Well it's just natural but it's important to know that even when doing so, we should understand that we all have different personalities and shouldn't act same way.

we should understand that we all have different personalities and shouldn't act same way.

It is very important that we know this!

 7 months ago  


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Thank you!

It sure is toxic and have learnt to give my younger sister space and time to get to her destination. I still can't help pushing her when the need arises, we all need that sometimes.

While we push our loved ones we just have to know when to stop or take a step back.

Thank you Alex

True. My pleasure 🙏🏽

Tough love to an extent is good but we must be careful not to go overboard with it to the extent that it hurts the other person. I am also in this category and I just push my little sister in the aspect of writing forgetting that she needs time to improve because I also took time to improve but I just want her to get everything done as fast as possible. We need to be careful too.

We need to be careful too.

Very very careful or else we will ruin everything

Now you got me emotional here, Really we don't need to push people too hard, but sha some people need better pushing even with bulldozer so that they don't remain stupid for life.

but sha some people need better pushing even with bulldozer so that they don't remain stupid for life.

Is it not you again?😂😂😂

It is painful when our tough love feels like we are putting those we love under pressure to be the best version of themselves. Seeing our actions through the eyes of the other person often brings a shocking revelation that we are actually overdoing things.

Seeing our actions through the eyes of the other person often brings a shocking revelation that we are actually overdoing things.

It sure does and it gives us the clarity that we need.

Thank you so much😃

Yeah, we all need to know when our "tough love" is hurting someone or pilling up into a hateful thoughts in the mind of those we think we are helping. Tough love is a double edged sword.

Tough love is a double edged sword.

I couldn’t have agreed more😃

As you have rightly said, "love is a two edged sword." Knowing how to start showing love and when to stop is it!.