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RE: "Beautiful Sunshine" - Let no one turn off your Inner Sunshine

This was really a beautiful well made post. I'll probably try to make time to read more of your content moving forward. Although truth be told I'm not much of a reader or writer so I skim most of them.

I like your thoughts and can really admire your optimism/positivity. The pictures by the water are really beautiful and I think yeah sometimes we let that darkness overcome us, but within each dark crevice there is a light somewhere at the end of the "tunnel" as without darkness there would be no perception on light and vice versa.

I couldn't help but read your comment to brittandjosie and yeah I do agree as I feel society or a lot of people in general like to bandwagon and act in a way that is acceptable to their communities, but for me in this sea of noise I always try to center myself and always question and re-question who I am and who I want to be moving forward.

I think Marilyn Monroe put it best in the quote:
(>'')> "If you don't love me at my worst, you [certainly] don't deserve me at my best" <(''<)


Dear Infinity,
Your comment warms my heart. I feel understood by somebody who sees the world from the same perspective as I do.
In this context, I have had thoughts also about the tendency of dehumanization of those who participate in VR activities, the digitally created cartoon avatars are not their own real sensing and feeling human selves, .. and, in my idle moments gazing at my plants in the backyard, I have pondered the consequences this can cause ... even plants are alive and have feelings and communicate with their vibes,.. but those cartoon avatars are gradually stealing and erasing the humanness of their creators if they themselves haven´t accepted their true being (lights and shadows and all) before pretending to be an avatar... even worse, if they have felt that their true being isn't acceptable to the influential majority..... just a random thought..
I definitely cherish this Marilyn Monroe quote, perfect line to keep in mind. Good "friend list" filter for the real life.
I enjoyed exchanging vibes with you, let's keep in touch!

Well I actually don't believe VR will dehumanize people as after the event I ended up exploring alt vr and realized there are a lot of people that seem to use that platform for social interaction.

I think the new wave of people into that space may be effected if those individuals use it as escapism vs just for the game itself or socialization purposes. Well for example irl I wear suits on rare occassions, but in terms of VR I'll where it just cause it looks cool and "society" seems to take seriously those that are "professionally" dressed in terms of demeanor and as a symbolism of I mean business lol every other attribute was randomly picked.

Yeah that is why I don't really care what the "influential majority" thinks, but more so just align myself with the people and communities in which share my values and beliefs.

Yes, exactly, what I meant. I guess I had put it in a too generalized way. But I meant exactly what you mention - escapism as a form of rejecting one's real being because it has been rejected by others. But in a big portion of the society today people's self-perception depends on other peoples' or opinion.
You are right, hehe there are many people who dress "for the role" :) or accept being dressed for the role by those whom they have delegated the authority.. and it's in the "real life" :)
And yes, finding one's tribe based on the affinity of one's authentic being erases the need to escape from "who you are".
Enjoyed chatting with you,
I'll see you soon.