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For the moment it's best to just relax and worry about recuperating, there is a distinct possibility that you will remember certain points as you go along here now, but the best you can do is to let it come to you naturally.
We are all super grateful you survived this, and are now able to update us. What is your sister's username on Hive? It is awesome to have someone who looks out for you like that.
Hope you are out of there soon and recuperate quickly.
It's a pain having to be a pincushion @piratethanos, hope the holes close quickly hahahaha!


"pincushion", I smiled at this. Thanks for that.

She isn't on sister. I'll show her the love and maybe she'd believe in the project and it's people. I still can't believe people halfway across the world would care so much about my health and recovery. I am truly blessed to have you all.