Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

in ThoughtfulDailyPost8 months ago

I’ve been away! Actually, I’m on Hive every single day as an admin of The Ink Well. But it has been quite some time since I blogged regularly.

To make a long story very short, I broke my foot really badly a year and a half ago, and it um (pardon the pun) crippled my writing schedule. The reason being that my m.o. was Actifit. So that was the end of that, with the long-term prospect of getting broken foot bones melded back together and aligned.

Plus I published a book — which was a very time consuming, life-devouring project. But yes! Yes I did that. It has been a very exciting adventure, and I’m very happy about it. (And yes there’s a “but” coming… eventually…) It’s a collection of short stories called Somewhere in Minnesota and you can find it on Amazon in paperback, Kindle or Audible. It's even on international Amazon sites.

But… (there's the "but"!) I had NO idea what I was getting myself into with regard to getting this thing promoted, getting it placed in book stores, getting the Audible version done, etc. etc. It’s the most time consuming project I’ve ever taken on.

So that’s what I’ve been up to.


Oh! About the foot. So it was a mess for a full year — never fully healing, and keeping me from being active. Then at the very end of 2023, I had another surgery to remove the metal pins they had installed to get the bones to heal correctly in the first surgery, and then it finally started to really heal. Now at last I’m back to my former level of activity. I’m walking, biking, working out, playing pickleball, and living life again. Which means... when do I sit down and blog??


And how do you break back into a habit like regular blogging when all the mechanisms you had in place have gone dormant? I look at this platform where I used to have a voice, and used to be very interactive (as me, not just as a member of an admin team) and I feel like that kid at the edge of the field wondering how to ask if I can play!

But here’s how I decided it’s time. I realized that almost every day I take a few pictures or have something interesting happen, and my inner voice says: Hey, that would make a nice blog post!

Alrighty then. Let’s do this.

Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection, Somewhere in Minnesota is available on Amazon US as well as international Amazon sites., Barnes & Noble or from the publisher.


Want to know what I'm publishing and where? Visit my website,, or follow me on X, aka Twitter, at or on Instagram at

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Welcome back! We both decided to blog in this community today! Must be thoughtfulness in the air :)

Habits: William James was a firm believe in habits, in leaving off old ones and establishing new ones. I think you have the muscle memory of blogging and it will become second skin to you again very quickly.

Yes, that's a great way to put it, @agmoore. I absolutely think I have muscle memory working for me! And that's so great we both decided to blog in this community on the same day! I'll find you!

Awesome, good luck with your book!

not see that coming.Thank you, @slobberchops! It's crazy, but darn fun. I'm doing lots of author interviews, podcasts, etc. Did

Blimey, what a lot you have had going on! So pleased to hear your foot has healed and you are mobile again. Congratulations on the book, too, that's a great achievement. I can imagine the work, though! Look forward to your blogging, I love photographs of other, far off places.

Thanks for the kind words, @shanibeer. With blogging, I just need to carve out the time and make it happen. Like all things, there's time, if you schedule it!

Broken foot, yikes! I'm glad you're doing better and that it is all healed, and you are back to being active. Getting back into blogging or anything you haven't done in a long time just requires that push for consistency and hard work, which you've clearly already shown with publishing your book and having to go through all of the promotion. I can't imagine—rather, I don't want to imagine—how much work it is to get promotion and audio done for Audible.

Thanks @bostonadventures.

Getting back into blogging or anything you haven't done in a long time just requires that push for consistency and hard work

So true! I agree 100%. Plus I have to limit the time I spend playing games on my phone. 😄

What games? I spend too much time playing games on my phone after my kids sleep!

Awesome job

Congratulations on your new published book ma'am. 😊

Thanks very much!

You're welcome. 😊 Enjoy your day.😊

AND, that you published a book during this period, that is just awesome, well done!
I wondered what happened to you!
I take photos of anything that catches my eye, often sit down not quite knowing what to write about. So, I look through my images, have a vague idea on a topic but once I start tapping away at the keyboard, ideas pop into my head and the 'story' changes altogether.
Glad to see you're blogging again.I'm sooo sorry to hear you've been through such a tought time @jayna, but glad you've finally recovered so well!

I love it, @lizelle. I do exactly the same thing! And I love how pictures help to give a blog post a focus and a theme. I could literally write 200 blog posts — actually probably far more — just by blogging about little collections of pictures.

Funny, the hardest part was just doing the first one. I thought "What do you say when you have ghosted your online friends? Where to begin?" Like all life hurdles, you just do it.

Like all life hurdles, you just do it.

Exactly 💯

 8 months ago  


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Love it! Just dive back in 🤗 You'll find your rhythm soon enough. So glad that your foot is finally healed and you are gaining back your active self in your life! The body doesn't always like foreign objects, even if they are medical grade and designed to strengthen and support after a bad injury. A similar thing happened to one of my cats years ago. After being hit by a car, he lost one leg and had a rod inserted in the other, The remaining leg would not heal. My cat physically pulled the rod out using his mouth😱. Thereafter, he healed up nicely😂🥰 How did you break your foot in the first place??? I don't think I ever heard the story. Oh, and I need to dig out my Kindle and read more of your short stories. Outside of TIW I haven't read any fiction for a while 😭 LIFE has been busy again. By the time I climb into bed, I'm usually exhausted. But the first few I read of yours were outstanding! You inspire me, Jayna! So I need to devote some time each day to something I love doing - reading great fiction! 💗💗💗 !LUV !LADY !PIMP

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not going to be assimilated! Get it out!"Holy crap, he pulled the rod out himself?? That's a wild story, @samsmith1971. Yeah, metal is just wrong inside our bodies. I guess some people don't really notice, but my foot was like: "This foreign object is

I cannot read at the very end of the day either, my dear. I just fall over. So I listen to audio books. Constantly. I read about three books a month that way. When I'm walking, gardening, biking, doing laundry, etc. etc., I'm listening to books!

p.s. @samsmith1971, here's the blog post where I told the story of how I broke my foot: And this one shows the X-rays before and after the pins were put in!

 8 months ago  

Can We Play.png
Samsung S9 | Lunapic

Left enough of an impact on me... considering you know I understand (not the situation... but "a" situation)... that I just had to create this... When you go from full speed. To full stop... then try to start at the same point. Yeah... lol. Doesn't work that way sometimes. Just know we are happy your foot is on the mend. We will be here when you are able to stop by and share your words... Love and light, dear soul...


Thank you so much for that, @wesphilbin! You made my morning. Yes, you get it, all too well. I feel incredibly fortunate — more than I can say — to have had an ailment that healed. Life is good. As always, you are an inspiration, and your positive energy is infectious!

It's great to hear that your healing is coming along well, and congratulations on your publication 🥳 After all that hard work writing and putting it together, it must feel thrilling to see it published. ✍️🏵️🌅