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Oh dear lord! I am so sorry this happened, and if the investors couldn't see the reality of this and give you a break, then they didn't need to be in your life, in my opinion.

We love you. Always.


@piratethanos you stay positive, heal up and be oh so thankful for your loving and supportive family, both of the flesh and blood and your family here as well.

 3 years ago  


Even while dealing with your own issues... you reach out to offer support. That... is what we need more of!


Anyone anywhere we can, we should help.
Now I must confess I have problems finding that balance; how much can I help without cutting my own feet out from under me etc... but I still try
Love you BroThanks @wesphilbin, it is my firm belief that one of the main, if not THE purpose in our lives is to help everyone else.

This is amazing. What has been going on with you? I'm quite curious. If we could all adopt this way of life, then the earth would be a utopia

I've got a family here. Thanks @theterminal and @jerrytsuseer. Seeing all this today has got my spirit elated. I think the incident has given me a new perspective. I want to do a lot differently.