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Hello my beautiful Queen, I love this post. I stumble of things though. You said:

My mother was concerned because I was now a year old and unmarried.

surely you were not one year old and getting up, going to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Maybe some local reference to age that I'm unaware of? Perhaps you meant one year past the age where they thought you should have been married?

Did you know, in the bible there are TWO accounts of the creation of men and women.
In the first, they were created together.
In the second, Eve was created from Adams Rib.

There is a tradition, a story in Hebrew writings that the first woman in the first account was not Eve, but Lilith. She insisted that she be "on top" (if you know what I mean) and would not lie with Adam otherwise.
That meant she would not submit, and was banished from Eden, and is now a spirit.

So the second account is all about woman's being compelled to submit to her husband, and we see that everywhere today in all Judeo-Christian nations.
WE all know that the two are equal in almost every respect (men can't bear children, you know those types of differences)

I hope you can find some freedom in that society. Methinks it will be difficult, but you hang on @queenstarr



Hey dear Rockstar Jerry😎🤘

My mother was concerned because I was now a year old and unmarried.
surely you were not one year old and getting up, going to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Maybe some local reference to age that I'm unaware of? Perhaps you meant one year past the age where they thought you should have been married?

Ah error there, meant a year older as you rightly stated. A score old to be exact was what I had in mind but skipped that.

WE all know that the two are equal in almost every respect (men can't bear children, you know those types of differences)

Yes we sure do

** I hope you can find some freedom in that society. Methinks it will be difficult, but you hang on @queenstarr**

Thank you so much , indeed I'm shocked, pleasantly shocked. Love you this BIG Rockstar Jerry💝🤗