Sometimes i feel like its okay to cry, shout, get annoyed, get angry, let out all the negativity.
We might try to hold it inside, but we can't always hoard it for long. I feel life something we face, things curate every moment of our life but always have this feelings I could make it some day, believing that nothing comes so easy you need to work hard to get what you want, not giving up on what we desired in life brings out the good about life, face the challenge ahead always believe you could get there someday.
One way or the other it's turning us into persons we shouldn't be, or killing us inside.
We're humans wired with emotions and we can't dispute that. continue pushing, continue facing the struggle, create this feelings of making it some day life is not easy, with determination it can be easy.
Make sure to drop it all there, it doesn't make you less a man. Then get up and get out there and face your struggles like survivors do.
Nice pieces. Running away from one’s feelings is never the solution to dealing with problems.
Yes dealing with the problem is the better solution, thanks for reading
Or a woman. Sorry, just had to poke a bit.
But I completely agree with your sentiment. There’s such a difference between struggling and grounded commitment
Yea sure 😊
Thanks for the upvote
You are most welcome, and my message wasn't to down you, or question your abilities. I loved the positive energy you have shared. I just want everyone to have the best experience they can on the Blockchain!