He always wants hands to applaud him

In the talk show, he speaks a nice grammar and people applaud for him, and since then, he has been creating a space to be able to speak that same grammar, so that people keep applauding him, finally, they gave him the floor to speak, and he does, and people refused to applaud him. He regrets it, he shouldn't have done it.

When he attends an occasion, he gets up and dances when people are still seated and starts giving money to the celebrant, because he wants people to applaud him, but after the occasion, he goes home and complains that he should not have done it.

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Once he saw his friends in a supermarket, he will bought more than he wanted to buy, kept rolling his cart, from one angle to another, just to show off his body, because he wanted to impress them and for people to see that he was doing well, yet he went home and complained that he shouldn't have done it.

At night, when people are sleeping, he turns the radio up loud, and the volume disturbs the neighbours, when the volume of the radio scares him in the early morning, he regrets that he shouldn't have done it.

He gets such an attractive haircut, and the police stop him on the road, and ask him to identify himself, if he is an artist, but he wasn't. He regrets, he shouldn't have done it.

He talked so loud about himself, as if he was a big man, but when people went to his house, they found out he was a normal man like them. He regrets not having done it.

He managed to save some money, he should have invested it in business or other things, so that it would keep bringing him more money, but he decided to buy a private jet, so that people would applaud him, the money is gone, and he regrets not having done it.

Whenever you tell him something, he refuses to accept it, began to disagree and makes you look like a liar, but when he find out you were right, he regrets not having done it.

His father told him that two heads are better than one, but he feels that his father was an old man, therefore, he is still acting on his own, and is making wrong results. He regrets not having done it.

Everyone tells him to calm down and take it easy, but he refuses and says he is the tough man, but when the arrest squad arrives, he is arrested. He regrets not having done it.

Everyone agrees to love each other, but he didn't want anyone's love, he wanted to be alone all the time, when the time came, and people were what he needed, he had no one around him. He regrets, he shouldn't have done it.

Watch the things you say, so that it is not used against you, he continues to say the things he likes, until the day what he said was used against him. He regrets it, he shouldn't have done it.

Be content with the things you have, he refused and went ahead to take what does not belong to him, he was caught, beaten and hurt. He cried and regretted it, he shouldn't have done it.

He hates his neighbours and friends, without a reason, because they were making more progress than him, and there comes a time, when he was making more progress than his neighbours and friends, and many people hate him too. He regrets it, he should have done it.