I also agree with everything you say in this post. But I have to go further, and thank you for saving me from a terrible mistake. Because, I put monetary rewards before quality content as a priority in my latest website project. So, as well as thanking you for that, I'll thank you for your inspiration that led me to write Why am I creating my Hive Frontend?
I agree that WordPress is a great blogging platform. But in recent years, I've found it has developed into more than I need. So, I'm working on a project to extract my best content from Hive to showcase on a free instance of Cloudflare Pages. Once it is working fully, I hope to make it available to other Hive users. Because I'm aware that many people are overwhelmed at the idea of setting up a website as well as maintaining a Hive presence.
Your initiative sounds great and I think it would be of great use for everybody else. Extracting the best of the best or finding a way to create built in filters in order to find content of a certain nature in a user's profile would be amazing:)