The things I enjoy are the same things that bother me..


Each edition of The Thinker's Corner Challenge gives us something interesting to think about and for This Month's Edition, the prompt is;

Do you know yourself well enough? What are the things that bother you about the way you live your life? How do you feel when dealing with people that have those same attributes?

As someone that's very interested in personal development and self-improvement, I've spent a fair share of my adulthood trying to have a better understanding of myself and the things that define my character. And, I've had to be brutally honest with myself about the aspect of my life that bothers me.

I didn't have to dig very far beneath the surface of my life to find the things that make me worried about the way I live my life. For the record, some of the things I enjoy the most about myself are the same things that bother me about my lifestyle. It almost feels like a double-edged sword.

The first is that I don't lie.

This in itself is something I genuinely like about myself. And, it's so surprising to see how people react once they know me well enough to understand that I really don't lie. Haha. Most people always say "What if your family's life depended on it?" and I don't think I've ever given a proper answer to that. The good news though is that I've never been put in a life-or-death situation where I'm expected to save a life by telling a lie.

What bothers me about how hard I find it to tell a lie is that I understand the world we live in and I know people seem to get in more trouble for saying the truth than telling a lie. Think about it for a moment; Once someone becomes highly reputable, it becomes really hard for them to truly say the truth about certain topics. This is mostly the case for those whose success is based on the level of audience they have in the digital world.

I've also noticed that when associating with people, some of them really want to be lied to about what they are doing right or wrong. They prefer a soothing lie to a brutal truth. Well, I always find myself edging more towards the truth. If I can't tell you the truth, I won't be making any comment on the matter.

The next is that I always try to keep to my words

This is very similar to the first one in some ways. It mostly plays out when I'm giving my word when making promises. If I say I will do this, then, you will be sure that I will get it done. Even when I'm joking and we're all have a laugh, I still find myself being very cautious of the words I say because I wouldn't want to say anything that I can't back up with action.


The thing that bothers me about this is that I've been in situations where I allowed the hit of the moment to make me say things without thinking it through. Lol. I've made some promises because I was feeling very excited about a particular thing. Once I think things through and it turns out to be a bad idea, I still tag along just to be sure I won't go back on my word.

With each moment I slipped and said things without thinking it through, I accepted the consequence of my words with open arms and learned to be in more control of my words. It's been a rather tough learning experience, but I'm glad about it.

How do you feel when dealing with people who have those same attributes?

It's not easy to come across people like that although I've had the privilege of creating a good rapport with people like that from different parts of the world. Whenever I discuss with them, even when we are messing around with words, it feels like a time well spent. I always want to have deep conversations with them because I know they will say exactly what they think and they won't hold back when sharing their opinion.

I also like to share ideas on something I'm working on and get their honest input about it. Meanwhile, I find it really hard to take the word of someone seriously once I notice that the person is a liar and someone who doesn't value his/her words.

That's it for me.

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You know, it is really rare to find someone that could always say the truth and am always happy when I meet one.

Thank you for chosen to be a truthful person. The beautiful thing is, you won't have a situation that will cause you to save a life with lies because it will never come.

Please keep it up.

We will be many.


Nice. It's really good to get this reassurance from you. Truly, it will suck to be in a situation where I need to lie in order to save a life. I sure wouldn't want to experience that at all.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this

Wow...I won't say that I don't know you for these attributes..of course I know and that's part of you that makes you unique. Just like your sister, she always tells the truth even if she did something wrong and I love that so much about her. Nothing beats standing on the truth no matter our status or any situation we may find ourselves. Unfortunately, this is a rare attribute among people in our society today.
Keeping to your words is also an amazing thing about you but like you said, thinking through a situation before any promises is better despite how excited you are at that moment. But then, it's great to know that even when you later discovered that you shouldn't have made a promise, you will still go ahead to fulfill it because you already gave your word.


Thanks so much for adding some things about Mee Mee. It's always a pleasure to know that she's making you proud with her actions and I'm very confident about her growth and development in both character and learning because she's staying with a lady that cares so much about doing what is right. Haha.

I'm proud of her for valuing the truth of. We need to grow into a community of truth-sayers. Haha.

I won't say I'm 100% a truth teller but I try. I try to keep to my words, and say things as it is that people just find themselves trusting me blindly.

Knowing how much trust that people bestowed on me, I make sure I keep to the expectations and ever exceed it.

People with your kind of attitude or mentality are quite rare and what we actually need for sustainable a friendship.

An enjoyable read really, thank you for sharing #dreemerforlife 🌹

This is awesome. For most things in life, I know that seeing what's right as the right thing to do is always a good step towards doing that right thing. Some will ignore what's right and tell lies at every given opportunity, even when it's not necessary. They think their ability to lie and deceive people is a sign of smartness. Lol. They will be shocked by reality.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this. It's good to know where you stand on the subject matter.

😂🤣😂🤣 They gon learn! 😂 let them keep thinking being dishonest is smart.

People hardly tell the truth again especially when their lives are at stake, they want to lie because they believe people buy it quickly than saying the truth. Although, sometimes we find ourselves being bothered about it especially with that question and similar ones to it and at that moment, what I used to say is that God will not allow such to happen because when it happens, we don't know what we would do then.

For the second one, I have found myself many times regretting my words because of how I say such thing when I am so happy. Since I want to stand on my words, I go against my wish even when it's uncomfortable for me. This is why they say, one should not make a promise when you are so excited but to choose your words calmly.

Nice. The "God will not allow such to happen" statement is the best approach to take because we humans are not even aware of the limit of what we can withstand. I don't enjoy lying about anything and I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I have to lie to save someone's life. I can't even imagine myself in that situation.

The one about keeping our word is interesting, especially for someone who likes to stick to his/her words. What you said about not making promises when you are excited is very legit. I also try to avoid making promises when I'm super excited about a particular thing.

and I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I have to lie to save someone's life. I can't even imagine myself in that situation.

Yes, no one would because we don't know what we can do at that point.

We have always been in that shoe before sometimes where we are forced to say things that we don't want to say. And actually that is one of the reason we must really be careful of what we say because words are powerful and not only that we must learn how to control our emotions

That's true. If we want to be able to keep our words, we need to be able to be in control of our emotions to avoid saying things without thinking it through

Always keeping to your words make you really trustworthy.

A nice read it was.

Always a #dreemerforlife

Yeah. I also trust people once I notice they keep to their words.

I've made some promises because I was feeling very excited about a particular thing.

I can relate. Most at times, we want to Kee to our words but situations will not allow us.

True. That's why it's always best to think things through before speaking on it. Hehe

These are very good qualities you've git there and we are very excited to see someone who shares the same values as we do, keep being you.

I popped in from Dreemport because I am an awesome #dreemerforlife

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it

 10 months ago  Reveal Comment

This is absolutely true. Those who are already accustomed to telling lies will also tell lies when it is completely unnecessary to do so. It's like being infected by a disease. Lol. I just don't understand such people.