Yes. Just took the old school eye chart vision test yesterday at the DMV. Sad. For the first time, I failed the eye test and now have to wear my glasses when driving... previously only needed for reading and was able to skate by the driving test.
Much more fun focusing on your visions!
Haha! Oh, yes! When the time comes where the failure comes, people think it is horrifying, yet, it is just another right of passage. :) Wait until you need them for shooting. That will really hit home or taking pictures... Yet, I guess it is not the worse thing in the world.
Le sigh.
:) My visions. That made me smile. No snow yet and it is already November. I am disappointed in Vermont!Thanks for stopping by!
Yes, the glasses for shooting happened a long time ago. Hence my liking scopes now!
Only a couple sprinkles of snow up here so far and heavy frost, nothing that has stuck yet. I'm not disappointed, my plow comes in next week, and then I'll be prepared for it.
Oh, now those are real toys! A plow. :) You don't fool around.